The experiences of my life have shown me again and again that opportunity is where you find it. But these days it can be harder to find because there is something in the way: big government.
Our history proves what we can do without big government. For more than 200 years, when given the opportunity we’ve lent a hand to lift up those in poverty. We help neighbors in need, a struggling student, parent or friend. Given the opportunity, we rally for good causes whether they’re down the street, across town or around the world. We have united to put down tyranny and evil.
This week we saw the president move ahead with plans to impose new regulations for financial advisers. I don’t believe more regulation will help people save for retirement, as the new requirements intend. Unlike the president, I believe that, given the opportunity, the American people will always rise to the occasion on their own. No "Nanny State’"micromanaging; no mandate required. We are Americans.
Conservative principles work. I’ve seen them work as a mother, as a mayor and now as a member of Congress.
Unfortunately, many in Washington don’t trust the American people. Washington doesn’t seem to want to give us those opportunities to rise to the occasion. We’re supposed to “trust Washington” to take care of everything — raise our kids, control our lands and dictate every aspect of our lives.
Instead of looking to Washington, we need to look within. It’s time for Washington to trust the American people. And we, in turn, should use the opportunity to advance the conservative principles that have lifted more people out of poverty, fueled more freedom and driven more dreams than any other set of principles in the history of the world.
For example, imagine a health care system centered in service and measured by outcomes, not a system dictated by Washington. I believe the American people deserve a system where health care dollars and decisions are kept between patients, families and their doctors. It would be American exceptionalism rising to the occasion to create a system where innovation, compassion and people are driving the highest quality care.
Imagine a single mother, trapped in poverty by big government programs intended to help her, but which are instead preventing her from taking new opportunities and keeping her from proving she can rise to the occasion. I believe that single mom can and will rise, given the opportunity. In fact, most have done that in spite of, not because of, big government programs. The focus of every program to help the poor and the needy should be centered on making poverty temporary, not just tolerable.
This isn’t about Washington. It’s about you and me and what we’re willing to do.
There is a famous quote from Winston Churchill that, paraphrased, says, “To every person there comes that moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and given the opportunity to do something special. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unwilling or unprepared for what could have been his finest hour.”
My challenge to Congress is to get government out of the way and trust the American people to rise and be prepared for their finest hour.
My challenge to the conservative movement is for us to be the group that promotes opportunity our children should be allowed to get a good education without mortgaging their future. We should give opportunity to hard-working families to save money and leave a better, brighter future for their children. And we should give people the opportunity to come to this country legally like my parents did, so that even with just $10, they can start to live their version of the American dream.
There are no small parts or players in the conservative movement. We should be prepared for every opportunity, for every tap on the shoulder, to volunteer, show up, speak out, write in and stand strong for the principles that have made America an extraordinary place.
Mia Love represents Utah’s 4th Congressional District.