As a Draper resident, it has been amusing to watch people explain why it would be horrible to relocate the prison to their cities. Many of their reasons are valid, but isn't it hypocritical to point out the ill effects the prison would bring to one's own city while continuing to impose these on another city?

Many justify keeping the prison in Draper simply because the prison was there before the city grew around it. Population growth and development are the precise reasons why, in 1951, the prison was relocated from Sugar House. Sixty-four years later, and for the same reasons and more, it makes sense to relocate it again.

I have two suggestions for dealing with a prison that nobody wants: (a) if it must stay put, Draper should be compensated for the negative effects by assessing to each city that sends a convict to the prison a per inmate fee which goes directly to Draper City; or (b) dismantle the prison, sell the land and distribute the proceeds to all Utah cities, based on populations, and require each to incarcerate their own prisoners in whatever manner and location they feel will not inconvenience them.

Stephen Johnsen

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