Donald Trump has certainly drawn the nation's notice in his efforts to become president. He has brought a number of issues to the forefront that surely need our attention and focus. In this quest, he demonstrates some traits of a leader in his writings, speeches and on TV programs — overcoming obstacles, never giving up, problem-solving. However, there are two traits he discussed in his book “Think Like a Champion” that have not been as clear to identify this past week: be a team player and wisdom.
I feel most strongly that a vital quality has been absent in national and sometimes local politics (not to mention daily life). To me, Trump's statement referring to a female broadcaster over the recent national debate is a sad commentary on the lack of civility in today's world.
It’s been reported Trump is not going to be bound by political correctness for several reasons. However, I strongly wonder if Trump has not confused political correctness with civility; that outspoken brashness, rudeness and insults are the opposite of political correctness, and are therefore acceptable.
The president of the United States must be able to negotiate, to state positions clearly, to respect those who differ, conduct himself in a civil and respectful/respectable manner — for the good and well-being of not only our country but the world community as well.
Julie Empey
West Jordan