Donald Trump’s lead in the polls can be attributed to the fact that most Americans want a change in Washington. They thought that if we changed the House by getting rid of speaker Harry Reid, things would change. They got rid of Reid, but nothing changed. Then, if we got a Republican Senate, things would change. We got a Republican Senate but nothing changed.
Washington is still being ruled by big money lobbyists. Representatives spend over half their time attempting to raise money, which makes them beholden to those who financed them. The main job of those in office is to get re-elected.
Some of what Trump says is outrageous, but he is being his honest self, saying exactly what he is thinking and not what he thinks people want to hear. This is a rare trait that is lacking in other politicians who must not offend their supporters or the money will dry up. He is using his own money and not depending on PACs or other big money donors. Trump is a real change from any of the other politicians. If elected he could make a difference in Washington.
Robert Emery