MOAB — Entrance, campground and Fiery Furnace fees at Arches and Canyonlands national parks will increase Oct. 1 to fund maintenance and improvement projects within the parks. Arches and Canyonlands entrance fee increases are: private vehicle from $10 to $25, on foot/bicycle from $5 to $10, and on motorcyle from $5 to $15. Off-peak fees for private vehicles and motorcycles will be $10.
The Southeast Utah Group pass, which covers Arches and Canyonlands, and Hovenweek and Natural Bridges national monuments, is increasing from $25 to $50.
"These fee increases will allow us to continue protecting, preserving and sharing Arches and Canyonlands national parks with current and future visitors," said Kate Cannon, superintendent of the Southeast Utah Group.
Fee increases at Fiery Furnace in Arches are: adult ranger-led tours from $6 to $10, ranger-led tours for children from $5 to $8; private permits go from $4 to $6 for adults, from $2 to $3 for children; and annual permits go from $10 to $15.
Information about fee increases for Arches campgrounds and changes in fees at Natural Bridges and Hovenweep is available at