A lighthearted look at news of the day:
North Korea recently decided to set its clocks back a half-hour. Well, technically Kim Jong Un has set them back seven centuries and a half hour.
Kim can set the clocks any way he wants. That’s the advantage you have when no one in your country can afford a watch.
Of course, Nepal is only 15 minutes ahead of India. That’s about enough time for a catnap, or as they say in Nepal, a Kathmandu nap.
Utahns should remember these things the next time they complain about daylight saving time.
Two professors in Canada created a hitchhiking robot, known as Hitchbot, as a social experiment. It successfully made its way across Canada, Germany and the Netherlands, then decided to see America. It got as far as Philadelphia before ending up smashed to pieces. It’s really not all as senseless as you might think. Rumor was the robot was getting ready to announce his candidacy for the Republican nomination.
Donald Trump is reportedly dead set against robots coming here and taking rides away from our own hitchhikers.
Actually, a robot for president isn’t a bad idea. Aides would have an easy time keeping him updated, and he could delete his own emails.
Before coming to Philadelphia, Hitchbot had attended a Red Sox game in Boston without any incident. That’s understandable. The Red Sox haven’t been able to hit much of anything this year.
The Utah Legislature decided last week to build a new prison just west of Salt Lake International Airport. Construction may take place roughly the same time as the airport is being rebuilt. I hope the two don’t get mixed up. It would be inconvenient to have to take your shoes off before entering the prison.
Officials in Washington state say the number of drivers in accidents testing positive for marijuana doubled in the year after the drug became legal there. In response, Washingtonians were heard to say, “Wow, dude, I’ve got the munchies.”
Idaho, meanwhile, had to remove its “420” mile marker signs on highways and replace them with ones that say 419.9. Stoners apparently kept stealing them because 420 has significance among marijuana users. You think that’s bad. Wait until aging Dr Pepper fans start stealing all the 10, 2 and 4s.
Jay Evensen is the senior editorial columnist at the Deseret News. Email him at even@desnews.com. For more content, visit his website, jayevensen.com.