In a recent video, Al Fox Carraway, better known as "the tattooed Mormon," shared her thoughts on becoming a mother, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and having a positive outlook in life while flipping through a photo album of her life.
Carraway talks about how she grew up never wanting to hold a baby or become a mother and explains how special it was that her daughter, Gracie, was the first baby she ever held, after 43 hours of labor.
"Right when she was born, I saw my husband's reaction before I saw our daughter," Carraway says in the video. "He just broke into tears and collapsed on my stomach. And in that exact moment, I finally, finally understood the importance of families, and I had more intensely than I ever had in my life felt physical love and approval from God."
Carraway discovered the LDS Church in 2009 and started meeting with the missionaries to prove them wrong and that there wasn't a God, according to her blog. Instead, she was touched and was baptized Aug. 22, 2009. She debated getting her tattoos removed but decided to keep them as a reminder of what she's gone through and as an example that anyone can come unto Christ.
Since being baptized, she has married in Oquirrh Mountain Temple and become a mother.
Click here to view the video on YouTube.
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