Here are today's top stories on the wellness beat, compiled with the health and safety of your family in mind.
For analysis of new research, insights into the work of wellness reporter Kelsey Dallas and more great articles, follow the Facebook page "I Love Being Healthy."
Physical health
CDC: Too many schools start class too early, a problem for student health, The Washington Post
U.S. infant mortality rates drop slightly, Time
On Yelp, doctors get reviewed like restaurants — and it rankles, NPR
Mental well-being
Mindfulness is great, but spacing out is good for you, too, New York Magazine
How to set high goals without burning out, Live Science
Brain scans show how everyday stress can sabotage your diet, CBS News
Spiritual wholeness
The neuroscience of meditation, and the virtues of shutting up, Newsweek
What a robot's murder tells us about ourselves, Religion Dispatches
Religion better for mental health than sport, study finds, Newsweek
Email: Twitter: @kelsey_dallas