In her recent letter to the editor, Megan Straw got it completely right: Lagoon should have no animals in the park whatsoever (“Lagoon animals, Aug. 2). It’s an amusement park, not a zoo, and certainly not a nature preserve. The animals on that train ride have to suffer through the constant noise from the train puffing along the track and blowing its horn every 15 minutes during the day.

Lagoon should instead focus on what it's good at — mechanical rides and shows with real performers. That's what people come for anyway. The park already has removed itself far from human decency with its prices. Fifty bucks for a single day? Not to mention the cost of parking.

Animals weren’t meant to be surrounded by machines all day long, stuck in cages that prevent them from really moving. The worst part about it is that I fear a lot of people just overlook the animals, assuming they are just another attraction. But how would we like it if we were in those cages?

Lagoon should contract with a zoo where they can relocate the animals. The state Legislature should focus on this now as a major issue.

Charlee Fonnesbeck

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Salt Lake City

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