In a new episode of "His Grace," a video series produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a woman named Heather shares her experience of "living with depression." Heather shares that initially she resisted professional help and medical attention because she believed the Atonement could heal all pain.
"I told her, 'I feel like the Savior should be able to take this away from me. I feel like my prayers should be answered that I don't want this and that he should take it away,'" she recalled telling a doctor. "And she just looked me straight in the eye and she kind of got closer to me and she said, 'Whoever said I'm not the answer to your prayer?'"
Heather opens up about the pain and shame she experienced throughout her struggles with depression. But she also recalls the love of the Savior she found throughout that experience and how the Atonement helped her find joy and peace.
The "His Grace" series has previously featured people struggling with addictions, dealing with doubt and other challenges.