More than 100 years ago, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints became the first charter organization of the Boy Scouts of America. In that time, the church and BSA have worked together to help young men gain skills, values and spiritual strength through outdoor activities and programs. This timeline highlights some of the significant moments over the years.
Many of the following dates were compiled with the help of
1875 — The Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association is organized. In the following decades, a publication called the Improvement Era becomes the YMMIA's written voice.
1910 — Almost 10 years after Robert Baden-Powell starts the Scouting movement, William D. Boyce incorporates Boy Scouts of America. Near the end of the year, George T. Wood forms the first Scout unit in Utah.
1911 — The LDS Church forms the MIA Scouts.
1913 — On May 21, the LDS Church officially joins the Boy Scouts of America as its first charter organization, sparking a widespread movement of Scouting in Utah. John H. Taylor becomes the first LDS Scout Commissioner serving all LDS units in the Western U.S.
1919 — Scout councils are formed in Ogden and Salt Lake, with Oscar Kirkham as the first Scout executive of the Salt Lake Council. The Utah County Council is formed two years later.
1928 — The LDS Church designates Scouting as the official activity program for its young men ages 12-16.
1938 — The LDS Church celebrates 25 years of Scouting by sponsoring an event attended by 5,000 boys.
1941 — With 18-year-olds being drafted into World War II, the Explorer age is changed to ages 15-17. By 1949, the Scouting age had dropped to 11 and all boys ages 14 and older became Explorers.
1947 — On the 100th anniversary of the Mormon pioneers entering the Salt Lake Valley, 4,000 scouts from around the U.S. and Mexico participate in a Pioneer Centennial Campout.
1951 — LDS Church President David O. McKay announces the formation of a Church-Scouts Relationship Committee.
1952 — The LDS Church announces the Primary will sponsor Cub Scouting and 11-year-old Scouts will be part of a Guide Patrol under the Primary's direction.
1954 — The Duty to God Award is created for boys ages 12-18 and is earned by passing off requirements that correlate with Scouting and priesthood responsibilities.
1959 — The Explorer program is replaced by Exploring, with updated materials and activities.
1963 — The LDS Church celebrates 50 Golden Years of Scouting in the Church. The same year, the church begins holding leadership conferences for LDS leaders at Philmont Scout Ranch.
1969 — LDS Church General Primary President LaVern Parmley becomes the first woman to serve on the National Scout Committee. Seven years later, she becomes the first woman to receive the Silver Buffalo Award.
1970 — The Venturing program is created for young men ages 14-15 while young men ages 16-18 are Explorers. The Blazer Patrol also replaces the Guide Patrol for 11-year-olds. Girls are included in BSA's career-emphasis Exploring Program.
1974 — The M.I.A. is placed under the direction of the Presiding Bishopric. Three years later, the name is changed to Young Men and a Young Men's Presidency is created.
1978 — LDS leaders in Utah develop the Varsity Program to eventually replace the Church's Venturing program (1983) and become a BSA program (1984).
1980 — The LDS Church's consolidated meeting schedule allows for more time during mutual for Scouting activities.
1988 — The LDS Church celebrates its 75-year partnership with the BSA with a special Baden Powell patch.
1991 — The LDS Church begins paying for activities and registration, excluding long-term camps.
1998 — The Exploring program is replaced by the BSA Venture Program.
2001 — The LDS Church announces a new Duty to God Aaronic Priesthood Program correlating both Scouting and priesthood quorum requirements while the Primary replaces its Faith in God Award with new requirements.
2010 — BSA celebrates 100 years of Scouting with various activities and events. The church honors Scouting by creating a special patch and a George Albert Smith Award.
2013 — The BSA changes its policy to admit openly gay Scouts. LDS Church leaders say the faith has always allowed gay scouts.
2013 — The LDS Church celebrates 100 years of its relationship with Scouting with an exhibit at the Church History Museum and a special program in October. The Thomas S. Monson medallion is given to Scouts of all denominations at each Centennial Encampment.
2015 — Openly gay Scout leaders are allowed in the Boy Scouts. One month later, LDS Church leaders release a statement saying the church will continue to sponsor the Scouting organization.
2017 — In May, the LDS Church announces it will no longer sponsor Scouting's Varsity and Venturing programs for boys ages 14-17, but will continue sponsoring Cub Scouts for boys ages 8-10 and Boy Scouts for ages 11-13.
2017 — In October, the Boy Scouts open their doors to girls. The LDS Church responds by saying it will not change its program.
2018 — On May 2, as part of its plan to include girls in Boy Scouts, officials announce a new name for the program — "Scouts BSA."
2018 — On May 8, the LDS Church announces it will end its partnership with the Scouts at the end of 2019 and create a new initiative that will meet the needs of young people in a global church.
Editor's note: This is an updated version of a previously published story.