MURRAY — The Murray Police Department will conduct a hunter education course beginning Wednesday, Jan. 23.
The six-class course is mandatory for any Utah resident born after Dec. 31, 1965, who wishes to apply for or obtain a Utah hunting license or permit. However, it is recommended students be 12 or older.
The classes will be held Jan 23, 24, 28, 29 and 31, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Feb. 2, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Murray Police Training Center, 136 W. Vine St. Students must attend all six classes to complete certification.
The classes, taught by Murray police officers, allow students to become familiar with general gun safety procedures, learn proper firearm handling and how to handle situations involving firearms.
The only cost associated with this class is the purchase of a $10 hunter education voucher, which must be purchased prior to a the class. Vouchers can be purchased from any state license agent or Utah Division of Wildlife Resources office.
After obtaining the voucher, participants should contact the police administrative offices at 801-264-2673 to advise it of how many students will be attending.
Upon successful completion of the class. students will be issued a certificate of completion. The “blue card” is not issued at the completion of the class but is mailed from the wildlife resources division and usually takes two to four weeks to arrive at the address listed on the voucher.