The future of science must be synthesized with religion. In the absence of spirituality, the future of everything is bleak. Why shouldn’t science be used to subjugate the masses for the benefit of a few? Without scripture, we have no definitive answers to such questions. That’s why I created Processics.
I moved to Utah a year ago. When I got here, I practically kissed the ground. I was coming from New York. I was leaving the land of mask mandates and quarantine restrictions, for the land of milk and honey. In New York, we were repeatedly told to trust the science, but how could I trust the science, if I didn’t trust the scientists. Maybe that’s the thing that makes Utah such a nice place to live. It has to do with trust.
I joined the Hunter Stake’s 11th ward. I accepted a calling as a Sunday school teacher, and I started writing my book. I wanted to help people find the truth in things like science, media and scripture. More importantly, I wanted to help people embrace the truth. Why should we bother discovering the truth, if nobody will accept it.
Scientists use things like x-rays, cameras and microscopes to record information. They process that information into causation assignments. Similarly, a person’s eyes and ears record information, then their mind processes that information into causation assignments. We all know what happens when a scientist isn’t trustworthy, but what happens when a person’s mind isn’t trustworthy? Those people have a problematic relationship with the truth. Do you know anybody like that?
My book Processics uses the parable of the sewer to diagnose the problem. You might remember that one. A farmer is spreading seeds on the ground. Different seeds fall in different places with different results. Many people think that the seeds represent people, but they represent information. So much information is wasted on inhospitable ground, but my book can help you solve that problem.
By now, you should be thinking about a specific friend or acquaintance. We all know someone who favors false information over the truth. Why do they do that? Is it because they hate you? Is it because they hate Jesus? What can you do to help these people? All of these questions can be answered with Processics. A few days from now, my book could be in your mailbox.