Over the last few years, I have become more and more alarmed at the rhetoric and behavior of President Donald Trump. I expected him to be honest and moral while performing his duties as president, and revered around the world as the most important person to lead us all to a better future. My hopes have been submerged under a swamp of distrust and dysfunction.
I am Catholic and lean on the leader of my faith, Pope Francis, for guidance on being responsible for helping to facilitate that better future. If my religious leader were to engage in the same kind of rhetoric and behavior, it would not be acceptable to me.
I live in Utah and am surrounded by neighbors and friends of the dominate religion of this state, who shrug and accept a new normal for what was with shuttered eyes of what should be. If the leader of their faith, President Russell M. Nelson, were to engage in the same rhetoric and behavior, would that be acceptable to them? No. Should we all expect better from our president?
Dale Larson
Cottonwood Heights