Since January, there has been ongoing discussion about the future of the Republican Party. Is this the party of Reagan or the party of Trump? Are we really a big tent party? Are we experiencing the end of the Republican Party as we know it or the beginning of a powerful Republican sweep in 2022?
While I’ve heard again and again that the Republican Party is fracturing, I believe that we can rebuild our momentum and unite over our productive solutions.
I’m a Republican not because I swore loyalty to any leaders or voices in our party or because I grew up with a particular ideology. I’m a Republican because I wholeheartedly believe that conservative ideas are the best way to lift millions of Americans out of poverty, support our workforce, empower families and local communities, establish a competitive advantage over our adversaries, and stand on the forefront of innovation and discovery. Divisive rhetoric and litmus tests within our party inhibit our ability to act on shared principles and craft enduring, meaningful solutions for the American people.
In order to seize the momentum of the 2020 House elections — when Republicans won every incumbent race and flipped 15 seats even as we narrowly lost the presidency — the Republican Party must rally around a set of foundational values that inform and inspire our policies and leadership.
My approach to hopeful and productive leadership is based on three guiding principles. I believe our party must champion aspirational, pro-growth, and inclusive policies to attract more people to our party, ensure economic opportunity for all and promote service and compassion for the most vulnerable members of our society.
First, Republicans must be aspirational in our vision. The United States has a strong and flexible economy with a wealth of natural resources and competitive demographics. We are a dream destination for hardworking people from across the globe, and our alliances and partnerships are rivaled by none. In order for the U.S. to remain the world’s most dynamic economy and maintain our edge over competitors, our party needs to invest in America’s prominence and press forward on practical agreements around budgets, infrastructure, immigration and growth.
In the wake of the pandemic, House Republicans are focusing on the message of “Restore, Rebuild, Renew.” Our plan prioritizes workforce development and higher quality education for all children, a strong economic rebound and policy that alleviates our dependence on China. And we are thinking big in the 1st District of Utah. From the transcontinental railroad to Utah State University’s Space Dynamics Lab, northern Utah has proven itself fertile ground for innovation and ingenuity.
Second, our party must focus on pro-growth policies. America supports and rewards hardworking individuals who come here from all over the globe to seek a prosperous future. Due to the ingenuity of our strong workforce, America produces the highest GDP in the word. Prior to COVID-19, we experienced a roaring economy, historic unemployment and trailblazing innovation. As we look to recovery, we must pull Americans forward through pro-growth tax policies, improved infrastructure and access to high-speed internet and an updated Marshall Plan for Main Street.
Republican leaders are committed to reining in out-of-control spending that will cripple future generations and slow our recovery. Policies like unemployment insurance bonuses make the private sector compete against government programs to fill open jobs. A little under half of recipients are currently earning more at home than they would on the job while harming their long-term prospects.
President Biden is driving up inflation through a $1.9 trillion package in January, a $2.3 trillion infrastructure package (that goes far beyond funding “infrastructure”), and a $1.8 trillion plan to force taxpayers to fund new entitlements that we can’t afford. If all are enacted, we will have spent $6 trillion in excess of America’s approximately $4.5 trillion annual budget in just a few months.
Last, our party must be inclusive. The Republican Party has always been a big tent party, and I was overjoyed that every congressional seat we won from Democrats in 2020 was filled by a Republican woman or minority. We are strong because we represent a myriad of communities, values, priorities, ideas and perspectives. It is our inclusivity and open-mindedness that allows us to meet folks where they are and make a difference in the lives of hardworking Americans.
We must help the next generation of Americans work together to solve intractable problems that have worsened through partisan infighting on both sides of the aisle. Immigration reform is a strong example. Conservatives should counter narratives that immigrants are unwelcome in this country. The truth is the opposite. Immigration has allowed America to become the most dynamic and generous country in the world, and I embrace the inclusive frameworks offered by the George W. Bush Institute and the Utah Compact on Immigration.
I have faith in the Republican Party. We must use our recent challenges to unite in our shared vision rather than divide over past dramas. We are not the party of narrow-minded groupthink; we are the party of aspirational, pro-growth and inclusive solutions.
Rep. Blake Moore is the representative for Utah’s 1st Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.