Back in the summer of 2018, I remember driving up to Slide Canyon to hike. I forgot where I was supposed to turn and got lost pretty early in the drive. I tried pulling up Google maps to direct me to the trail. While I was looking for the right directions I forgot about the road in front of me and crashed into a telephone pole. Thankfully only my car and the pole were damaged with no injuries. Ever since then I never keep my phone in sight while driving.
Unfortunately there are a lot of drivers who haven’t had this experience and stare at their phones while they drive on public roads. With winter coming up in Utah, we especially need to remember to keep our eyes on the road as driving becomes more dangerous and more precise. A lot of distracted drivers seem to have too little knowledge of the effect they have while driving distracted. One second of not looking at the road can cause a crash that ends with a high cost — whether that be money or another’s life.
A huge portion of car crashes could be prevented if everyone collectively decided to give their undivided attention on the road. Thankfully I learned that lesson with the hundreds of dollars in property damage. But others may not be so fortunate.
Matthew Craig
Pleasant Grove