Why change our state flag? Thanks to Gary Herbert and Derek Miller for their recent op-ed: “Utah is the Beehive state — our flag should represent it.”

We naturally recognize familiar symbols. I certainly hope that no one gets the crazy idea to change our American flag — our stars and stripes — which is well established and recognizable around the world. Some things are best left alone because people recognize and respect them, such as the MGM logo for movies or the U.K. flag (union jack) or the Red Cross or many other symbols.

I don’t understand the thinking of some who want to rewrite history and change things for what they think is the better.

Why all the attention to change the Utah Jazz uniforms (again)? That would be a costly endeavor, which most changes are. Why change the names of colleges or universities (like Dixie State)? Why tear down statues that reflect history? We would be better served if we learned from history and stoped trying to make things modern to justify current thinking, trends or behaviors.

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I don’t oppose change, but there is always a price to be paid. We should weigh carefully the pros and cons before embarking on radical changes.

I say keep our Utah flag and put energies into more important responsibilities.

Elmary Davidson


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