I do not live in Utah, nor am I a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but like many people throughout the U.S. and — I suppose — the world, I have often encountered young Latter-day Saint missionaries who have offered to share their faith with me. I have generally been impressed by these young people. Honestly, I can’t remember ever meeting one who didn’t seem respectful and dedicated to what he or she believed.

Now I am going to have to add Evan McMullin to that list. 

As a result of following his campaign, admittedly at a distance, I have come to learn that the church believes that the U.S. Constitution is a document inspired by God. I didn’t know this. I don’t think I would have found that out if McMullin hadn’t begun his campaign, and I am impressed by how he seems to be living his faith, especially in forefronting the importance of the Constitution. 

Won’t it be ironic if, through McMullin, a religious denomination that has not always benefitted from the laws and court rulings of the U.S. ends up helping to strengthen the country and save it?

Martha Highers

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Cookeville, Tennessee

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