As a physicist, I am compelled to comment on “Will pollsters ever get it right?” We live in a universe dominated by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. As such, nothing can be fully predicted by definition. As humans are constructed from constituent quantum particles, they are also unpredictable and in many ways, even more so. There are just too many variables to consider (gender, ethnic background, race, religion, economic class, education, employment status, marital status, region, etc). Yet despite this, some people honestly think that they can predict the future based on polls. Prediction provides critical feedback which aids the control that “elites” are obsessed with. Armed with the mathematical power of statistics, pollsters made their predictions and largely fell flat.
Why? As one who was harassed day and night for months with e-mails, letters, advertisements (in all media), knocks on my door, flyers and phone calls from unidentified numbers with area codes from all over this country, I just ignored everything and never responded. I suspect that millions of my fellow Americans did the same. We are all suffering from election fatigue, media-driven hysteria, hatred and polarizing rhetoric that has divided our struggling nation. This alienated Americans from its political classes who think they can predict and control us like cattle. This is not what America is all about. Americans chose their leader on their terms despite all of the predictions notwithstanding. This is the essence of freedom that starts with quantum mechanics. This is true democracy.
Michael Pravica
Henderson, NV