The publicity over Max Hall's "hate" rant against Utah, last weekend, has spawned a number of e-mails regarding things Utah players have said in past years.
And it's true.
The Utes have used the H-word, too.
They maybe didn't go on as long as Hall, and weren't as all-inclusive, but still. For instance, check out this quote from U. quarterback Alex Smith in 2004 to writer Ivan Maisel: "I'm much more into it this year. I really hate them. Playing in the game helped me understand. They are the most arrogant people. It's the whole church and state thing. They're the 'good kids'. We're the 'bad kids.' I didn't feel it in my gut last year like I do now."
Then there was the 2004 comment by Morgan Scalley, which I've referred to previously this week.
So yeah, Hall wasn't the first guy to say he hated the other guys.
Nor will he be the last.