Veteran city hall reporter Tom Olson ended his news broadcast on KERA-FM Friday with a stunning postscript.
"A sad personal note this morning. This will be my final report on KERA. I have AIDS and my failing health has made it necessary to give up reporting," Olson said.The award-winning 39-year-old reporter said later he did not intend the announcement to be a political statement.
"I didn't want to walk away without an explanation. I wasn't trying to change the world. It was just an honest goodbye," Olson said. "I'm somehwat surprised it has been such an issue."
Olson said he believes he contracted the virus through homosexual contact at a time when little was known about transmitting AIDS.
The winner of three Dallas Press Club Katie Awards for his work at KERA, he tested positive for the AIDS virus in May 1988. He had his first real physical setback in January 1989 while traveling back and forth to Oklahoma City to help care for his mother, who was dying from lung cancer.
Now he is caring for his companion, who is seriously ill with AIDS-related symptoms.
Olson said he told KERA Thursday he was quitting because he is losing weight and strength.