SALT LAKE CITYAnne Marie Sleater, 30, died Jan. 22, eight days after being shot in the head during a shooting rampage at the Triad Center. Police say De Kieu Duy, 24, bought a 9mm handgun on Jan. 14 at a West Valley gun shop and took a bus to the Triad Center, believing someone at KSL was harassing her. She fired numerous rounds in the lobby of the television station, wounding the building manager. Unable to enter the newsroom, she took an elevator to another floor and confronted Sleater, an AT&T employee, shooting her in the head. A co-worker of Sleater's wrestled Duy to the ground. Police say Duy had a history of mental illness and heard voices, believing someone was trying to hurt her. A 3rd District judge ruled Duy incompetent to stand trial and set a hearing in August 2000 to review the case. She remains at the Utah State Mental Hospital. Method: shooting. Motive: unknown.

Pedro Salinas, 23, was shot to death March 28 in his apartment at 253 S. Montgomery St. (1575 West). Police say the shooting occurred after he asked some people to leave. An arrest warrant was issued for the victim's cousin, Leonides Salinas. The two cousins argued earlier over the fact that a teenager Pedro Salinas had allowed to live in his home was bringing male guests to her room. She had been told it violated the rules of the household but did it anyway. A confrontation led to Salinas being shot behind a closed door. Method: shooting. Motive: domestic dispute.

Donald Thomas, 62, was shot and killed April 15 while working as a security guard for the LDS Church at the Family History Library. Thomas was the first to confront Sergei Babarin, 70, after Babarin walked into the library armed with a gun. Thomas was shot, despite his efforts to defuse the situation. Babarin was killed by police in a shootout. Method: shooting. Motive: unknown.

Patricia Frengs, 55, was the second of Sergei Babarin's victims during his rampage at the LDS library. Frengs, of Pleasant Hill, Calif., was visiting Utah to do research into her family history when she became the random victim of Babarin's shooting. Method: shooting. Motive: unknown.

Alberto Ceding-Lopez, 18, was found shot to death May 6 in the front passenger seat of a car in the parking lot of the Indian Walk In Center, 120 W. 1300 South. At one point the victim was seen in the company of another man known for drug trafficking. Method: shooting. Motive, drugs.

Anne Michelle Rich, 31, was found June 24 strangled and stripped of her clothing in a grassy alley just west of 200 West and Paxton Avenue (1360 South) by a laborer walking in the area. Police say the mother of two led a drifter's lifestyle and had no permanent address because she had suffered from a mental health problem. Method: strangulation. Motive: unknown.

Amy Quinton, 22, was stabbed in the chest by an intruder who slipped into the condo she shared with another woman at 127 S. 800 East on Aug. 3. A friend who was visiting was wounded by the attacker, who caught Quinton trying to call police for help and then answered the phone when dispatchers made a return call. The man took credit cards when he fled, and used one to make a gas purchase at a gas station about 20 minutes outside of town. Method: stabbing. Motive: robbery.

Matthew Mayo, 31, was shot multiple times Aug. 3 at his home at 1661 S. Redwood Road. Angel Joseph Martinez, 33, was charged with murder and aggravated burglary, both first-degree felonies. Police allege Martinez drove a green Cadillac that he parked on a nearby street and two passengers got out of the car and walked to the home of Mayo and Anita Archuleta. While one of the intruders held a gun on Archuleta, her brother and two children, another man went to the bedroom where Mayo was on the bed. Martinez will go on trial in February. Method: shooting. Motive: drugs.

Pastor Clavel, 34, was shot on Aug. 20 after a confrontation at his apartment, 1804 W. Shannon Circle (430 North). Police believe four or five men are involved in the attack, which led to Clavel's death Aug. 23 from severe head injuries. Method: shooting. Motive: drugs.

Penny Calhoun, 32, was shot to death Sept. 14 by her estranged husband, Henry Calhoun, in her Sugar House apartment, 1529 S. 1200 East, just three days after she had obtained a protective order against him. Police say the husband entered her ground level apartment armed with a gun. Her boyfriend was able to escape and call police, but shortly after officers arrived they heard shots fired. They found the couple's bodies behind a closed door in a closet. Method: shooting. Motive: domestic dispute.

Damian Sanchez Bartlolo, 33, was attacked Oct. 3 outside a 7-Eleven Store, 1285 N. Redwood Road, and stabbed to death. A 17-year-old boy was booked into the Salt Lake County Detention Center for investigation of murder. Method: stabbing. Motive: unknown.

Michael Palencia, 18, was shot in the neck Oct. 3 outside the Penny Wise convenience store, 1245 S. 900 West after an argument with another man. Santos Velasquez, 19, was charged with murder, a first-degree felony. Police say Palencia had finished gassing up his car and went inside the store to pay. The pair continued to argue as the two left the store when Velasquez allegedly pulled out a gun and shot the other man in the neck. Velasquez was charged with murder, a first-degree felony. A $1 million arrest warrant is still out on Velasquez. Method: shooting. Motive: unknown.


Darby Golub, 19, was hit in the head with a bat and pummeled with fists in a Jan. 6 altercation at the Canyon Center Strip mall, 2095 E. 9400 South, Sandy. Police said the fight was over $350 in drug money Golub owed one of his attackers. Derek Shawn Pearson, 19, and Justin Robert Koontz, 19, were convicted of attempted rioting and assault for their roles in Golub's death and sentenced to jail. Russell Eugene Bisner, 19, was charged with murder and aggravated robbery. A jury found Bisner guilty of both charges in August, and he was sentenced to two consecutive life terms. Dustin Phillips Symes, 20, was sentenced to nine months in jail and 36 months probation in connection with the case. Method: beating. Motive: drug money.

Viengsay Boudsady, 24, was shot and killed by his best friend, Kelikora Bouhaphaphanh, 24, during a Jan. 22 argument in West Valley City. According to police the two men had been friends since childhood and were members of the same gang. Despondent over the death of his friend, the following day Bouhaphaphanh rented a room in a Midvale where he committed suicide. Method: shooting. Motive: gang argument.

John Reilly, 59, suffered two fatal gunshot wounds to the head on Jan. 24 when his daughter's ex-boyfriend stormed the Reilly family's Cottonwood Heights home, 2947 E. Lake Mary Drive (7600 South). Michael C. VanGerven, 40, entered the home, holding Reilly and his wife at gunpoint for hours until their daughter returned home. He forced Michelle Reilly to tie up her parents before he shot both of them and then himself. John Reilly was dead at the scene and Renee Reilly, also 59, suffered critical injuries but survived. VanGerven died. Method: shooting. Motive: domestic violence.

Linda McCallum, 50, was shot to death on Feb. 1 by her live-in boyfriend, Willie Harris, 48, and found in her South Salt Lake home, 3245 S. 600 East. Harris had called and said the woman killed herself after a Super Bowl Party the two attended. He was charged murder, a first-degree felony, pleaded guilty to manslaughter, a second-degree felony, and sentenced up to 15 years in prison. Method: shooting. Motive: domestic dispute.

Stephanie Todd, 30, and a mother of three, was shot to death Feb. 28, suffering a single gunshot wound to the head. The shooting happened after an argument outside a bowling alley in Sandy, where she agreed to meet her estranged husband, Shane Eugene Todd, 27. Todd was driving a pickup truck, with Stephanie Todd standing on the sideboard for more than 300 feet when he shot her in the head. Method: shooting. Motive: domestic dispute.

Rachel Karren, 20, was shot twice during a gathering at Darren C. Bluemel's home, 4350 W. 12700 South, Herriman, on March 22. The shooting happened after a game of strip poker got out of hand. Karren, Shawn Winward and Bluemel's ex-girlfriend, Emily Winger, were the participants. The prosecutor said the shooting occurred after Bluemel made an advance toward the victim, who rebuffed him. His defense attorney, however, said Bluemel, 39, became upset after seeing his girlfriend was completely nude so he shot the other woman. Bluemel pleaded guilty to murder, a first-degree felony, and was sentenced up to life in prison. Method: shooting. Motive: domestic dispute.

Rosanna Recinos, 22, was strangled on May 20 by Frederick L. Williams, who then slashed his own throat and plunged a knife into his chest in the Murray apartment at 4929 S. Lake Pines Drive (850 East). The couple had a 3-year-old son and had broken up some time before. Method: strangulation. Motive: domestic dispute.

Lourdes Tamayo, 36, was shot in the chest multiple times with a 9mm handgun at her West Jordan home on Aug. 16 and found by her 17-year-old son. Her husband, Roberto M. Tamayo, 39, then turned the gun on himself. Method: shooting. Motive: domestic.

Dustin Robertson, 26, was given a lethal drug overdose at the Utah State Prison, Lone Peak Facility at Camp Williams. Robertson's body was found about 9:30 a.m. June 27 in his cell. Salt Lake County sheriff's detectives continue to investigate. Method: overdose. Motive: unknown.

Danielle Omer, 46, died at the hands of Robert L. Overstreet on June 28 when he broke into her house, 4912 S. Bitter Root Drive (3300 West). Omer was raped, stabbed, suffocated and then burned when Overstreet started multiple fires in the house in an attempt to cover his tracks. He was arrested after DNA evidence collected at the scene was linked to DNA on file with the state crime lab. Overstreet has pleaded not guilty to the aggravated murder, a capital offense, and five other felonies. Overstreet was also charged in another rape not far from Omer's house. Method: multiple. Motive: unknown.

Edwin Robert Benzon, 21, Salt Lake City was shot at close range in the back of the head just before 1 a.m. on Sept. 14 while he sitting in the front seat of a car. The driver, 21-year-old Thomas Gary Majnak had stopped his vehicle at 5300 South near 500 East when Benzon was shot. Daniel M. Schroyer, 18, and Jordhan Grady Swank, 18, were arrested in connection with the killing. They were charged with identical counts of aggravated murder and attempted aggravated murder. Both are scheduled for a preliminary hearing near the end of January. Method: shooting. Motive: drugs.

James Albert Jackson, 25, was shot at his home, 4350 W. Glenn Hill Circle (3855 South) West Valley City after an argument on Oct. 25. The accused gunman, Billy Frank Spillers, 27, was arrested after he sped by troopers near Nephi going 109 mph. Spillers was charged with murder, a first-degree felony. He is scheduled to go on trial in March. Method: shooting. Motive: drugs.

Wilber Canales, 18, was shot and killed Nov. 6 after a group of young men forced their way into a party at the Lexington Park Apartments, 3685 S. 2280 West, in West Valley City. Another man, 18-year-old Alex Suaste Molina, was critically injured but survived. Soloman Lee Johnson, 18, was charged with aggravated murder and is described by prosecutors as the trigger man in the attack. Jan Ramos, 17, Juan Carlos Samora, 20, and Mario Cardenas, 27, were charged with murder, a first-degree felony, for their alleged roles in the shooting. Police say the shooting stemmed from rival gang ties, with Johnson instigating a retaliatory attack after the group was told to leave the party. All four men are awaiting a preliminary hearing in February. Method: shooting. Motive: gangs.

Lorraine Eddings, 67, was shot multiple times on Dec. 10 at her Holladay home, 2885 E. 3900 South, by her husband, Leonard Eddings. He then doused the home in gasoline and fatally shot himself. Method: shooting. Motive: domestic dispute.



Martin Jaurez Baz, 39, was kicked and hit by a group of people on Pioneer Day at 519 E. 800 North in Logan. Edwin Gonzales, 30, pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of manslaughter and agreed to testify against his younger brother, Lester Gonzales, in connection with the slaying. Witnesses told authorities the fight started over a misinterpretation of a Spanish phrase Baz reportedly used when speaking to Edwin Gonzales. Edwin Gonzales was sentenced up to 15 years in prison. Method: beating. Motive: misunderstanding.

Kevin Jensen, 15, of Wellsville, was shot in the forehead with a .22-caliber pistol as he walked from a gravel pit with another teenager described as his best friend on July 24. Authorities said the boy, also 15, told them he was just trying to scare his friend when he accidentally shot him. The boy pleaded guilty to manslaughter in juvenile court and was sentenced to a youth prison until he reaches the age of 21. Method: shooting. Motive: scare tactic.


Patricia K. Taylor, 49, was stabbed 46 times in the back and chest with a kitchen knife on Sept. 12 after she and her husband argued at 4347A Truman Circle at the home of their daughter, who is married to a serviceman at Hill Air Force Base in Layton. The accused killer, Robert Lee Taylor, 46, called for help and said his wife was badly hurt. Court documents said Taylor believed his wife was going to divorce him, which made him angry. He was charged with murder in U.S. District Court. A trial date will be set once the judge decides whether to allow into evidence Robert Taylor's confession to police. Method: stabbing. Motive: domestic dispute.

Laura Crespin, 30, was shot to death on Nov. 28 by her live-in boyfriend, Jerson Limbo Phinney, 32, as the two argued on the front porch of their trailer in Clearfield. Crespin, who suffered a gunshot wound to her stomach, died in surgery at a Salt Lake hospital. Phinney was charged with murder, a first-degree felony, and was incarcerated at the Davis County Jail when he was found hanged by a bedsheet. Method: shooting. Motive: domestic dispute.


Dovonda Finch, 26, drowned in Lake Powell on July 18 after the truck she was in plunged into the lake. Her boyfriend, Troy Evans, 28, told authorities his brakes failed as well as the steering so he jumped out of the truck as it moved toward the lake and was unable to save her. But a witness told police he overheard Evans say he wanted to kill the woman. Another witness saw him tinkering with the car prior to the crash. He is awaiting a six-day trial in April on charges of murder, a first-degree felony. Method: drowning. Motive: domestic dispute.


The body of James Casey Easton, 18, of Dove Creek, Colo., was found on April 9 in a cluster of cedar trees off a highway about 17 miles east of Monticello. The victim, who had been shot 19 times, was discovered by a passing motorist. He had been reported missing to a Colorado police agency about a week prior to the discovery of his body. Before the month's end, police had arrested Terril Calliham, 18, Misty Ernest, 22, and a 16-year-old male. Method: shooting. Alleged motive: drugs.

Nelson Begay, 42, was found dead Nov. 20 outside his father's home on the Northern Navajo Indian Reservation about six miles southwest of Montezuma Creek. An autopsy revealed he died from a stab wound to the lung. Frank Elliott Jones, 22, was indicted by a federal grand jury on a murder charge and is scheduled to stand trial Feb. 7 in U.S. District Court. Jones allegedly told FBI agents he stabbed Begay during an argument that erupted when Begay defended a woman who did not want Jones sleeping over at her house. Method: stabbing. Motive: argument.


Scott R. Straw, 48, died hours after being beaten June 3 on the torso and head with a baseball bat. Straw was at his home, 555 W. 300 South, Provo, when an acquaintance knocked on the door to talk with Straw about money he owed her. After an argument just outside Straw's front door, Straw and the woman approached a car in the driveway in which sat the woman's boyfriend, Kevin D. Mortensen, 43. Mortensen stepped outside the car with a baseball bat. He said Straw moved toward him menacingly, and Mortensen struck him at least three times with the bat. Mortensen pleaded guilty to manslaughter, a second-degree felony, and was sentenced to up to 15 years in prison. Method: beating. Motive: dispute involving money and a woman.


Karston Sampson, 17 months, died Jan. 29 as a result of Shaken Baby Syndrome. The injuries occurred Jan. 28 at a South Ogden apartment, 5630 S. Meadow Lane, where he was being cared for by Justin Jay Scott, his mother's boyfriend. Scott called 911 and said the baby had suffered a seizure. Medical authorities said his injuries were consistent with being shaken. Scott, 24, was charged with murder, a first-degree felony, and pleaded not guilty. A trial is set for Feb. 14. Method: shaking. Motive: frustration.

Steven Malan, 29, was discovered dead of a stab wound to the throat March 17 on the floor of Jeremy Edwin Richards' living room at 863 23rd St. Richards, 25, claimed Malan came at him with a gun and the stabbing was in self-defense. An autopsy revealed Malan also had been strangled with a belt and had multiple bruises. Richards pleaded guilty to murder, a first-degree felony, in November and was sentenced to up to life at the Utah State Prison. Method: stabbing. Motive: unknown.

Mikelle Cannon, 23, was fatally shot in the chest May 21 in her apartment, 1434 N. 900 West, No. K-1, Ogden, with an SKS assault rifle. Police questioned several adults and children at the home and one man, who said he had the weapon, told officers he was fiddling with the rifle when it went off. The man, who had lethal doses of meth in him, said he had no idea it was loaded. Method: shooting. Motive: unknown.

John Braegger, 29, was beaten to death with a baseball bat on April 9 at 127 W. 27th St. and remained in a coma until his death on April 14. Clarence Bonnant Casey, 28, fled the area but was arrested in California. Witnesses to the beating said Casey was angry at Braegger because the other man owed him $200 for drugs. Casey pleaded guilty to murder, a first-degree felony and was sentenced to five years to life in prison. Method: beating. Motive: drugs.

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Maria Cubillas, 39, was strangled on June 28 outside a home she shared at 3051 Pingree Ave., with Martin Chanchola Serratos, 34. He then put her body in the trunk of his car and drove south looking for a place to dump the body. After investigating him for a trespassing complaint, Juab County law enforcement officers found the body in the trunk of the car and notified Ogden police. Investigators determined the two had an argument that led to the woman's death. He is scheduled for a three-day trial on a charge of murder, a first-degree felony, in March. Method: strangulation. Motive: domestic dispute.

Robert Crawford, 34, was left a quadriplegic after a May 13, 1998 shooting and then succumbed more than a year later on Sept. 1 due to complications from the gunshot wounds. Crawford and Roxanne Thornton, 35, were walking along the 2200 Block of Jefferson Avenue when he was shot in the head leg and shoulder. Thornton was shot in the leg. Method: shooting. Motive: unknown.

Shara Dawn Lindeman, 20, was strangled and then stabbed more than 39 times in her Washington Terrace apartment on Oct. 5, police say. Her estranged husband, Bret Carl Lindeman, 24, was charged with aggravated murder, a capital offense. After the slaying, Lindeman drove north through Ogden at speeds reaching 100 mph until he crashed his car and was ejected. He has a preliminary hearing scheduled for Jan. 12. Method: stabbing. Motive: domestic dispute.

Charles W. Leff, 78, was found dead Nov. 2 at the home of Richard Q. Gunn, 929 Canyon Road, by a worker hired to do remodeling at the home. Gunn was arrested and charged with aggravated murder, which carries the death penalty. Police say Gunn, 52, used a crowbar, butcher knife, handsaw, fireplace poker, fork, and other implements to kill the victim, who was nearly beheaded. Gunn told police he waited while his roommate was distracted by a puppy and then started beating the other man with a crowbar. Gunn has been charged with capital murder. His court case is still pending, and no trial date has been scheduled. Method: multiple. Motive: unknown.

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