Talk about being able to pick up and go.
In a day and a half, the Mormon Handicraft store vacated its smallish spot in the ZCMI Center Mall and moved every bolt of fabric, box, ribbon, quilt pattern and more to its new location at 15 W. South Temple.
The new store space is open for business as of today. Hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays, with some expanded holiday shopping hours.
Ann Danzig, who has been the store manager since 1986, couldn't be happier. The original store, at 105 N. Main, was razed to make room for the LDS Church's spacious new Assembly Hall. Mormon Handicraft has been in the ZCMI Center Mall for the past 3 1/2 years.
"We're delighted to be here," Danzig said. "We're happy to be back on the street where people can find us."
The new store location is light and roomy, with tall ceilings, hardwood floors and bright lighting that makes it easy to see all the merchandise. And there's more to look at.
"We have a lot more gifts and things on consignment that are hand-made. That's where we are expanding," Danzig said.
Additionally, the store is bringing back books — which were in the old stand-alone store but couldn't fit into the mall space. There also will be CDs and audio tapes for sale.
Another new feature is a refrigerated counter area where customers can buy Lion House rolls, cookies, sweet breads, various milks and a line of soft drinks.
The store is accented with several antique fixtures including chandeliers and a 1906 fireplace.
Danzig fully expects that customers, especially women, will be drawn to the store before and after Assembly Hall events. To make shopping, or rather waiting, more palatable for men, a special section with a few chairs and newspapers will be arranged so they can relax while the women browse and buy.
Since she expects more customers, Danzig has added more staff, bringing the workforce to 30.
Mormon Handicraft was organized by the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during the Depression to continue the pioneer era homemaking arts, crafts and skills. In 1986, it became part of Deseret Book.
Danzig said that once the move is finished and the holiday celebrations over, the store will start to feature museum exhibits.
The store's grand opening will be Wednesday, Dec. 6, with a 2:30 p.m. ribbon cutting and reception.
One thing is certain: Danzig expects no more moves, at least while she's around. "I will retire before we move again," she said with a smile.