During the Saturday afternoon session of the 70th Annual General Conference April 1, 2000, 39 new Area Authority Seventies were sustained to the Third, Fourth and Fifth Quorums of the Seventy. Those called are:Jorge O. Abad, 53, Buenos Aires, Argentina; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; self-employed businessman, currently serving as president of the Bahia Blanca Argentina Stake; former president of the Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission (1984-1987); wife, Nelida Abad.
Marcos A. Aidukaitis, 40, Santana de Parnaiba, Brazil; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; general manager, O'Gara-Hess; currently serving as president of the Barueri Brazil Stake; wife, Luisa Aidukaitis.
Jose C. Aleson, 40, Lima, Peru; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; owner, sheet metal factory; currently serving as bishop of the La Molina Ward; former counselor in a stake presidency; wife, Mary Aleson.
Gutenberg G. Amorim, 44, Paraiba, Brazil; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; owner, clothes manufacturing company; currently serving as regional welfare agent; former president of the Brazil Marilia Mission (1995-1998) and stake president; wife, Maria Amorim.
Jose E. Boza, 48, Puerta Parada, Guatemala; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; manager, records department, Central America Area Office; currently serving as bishop of the San Jose Pinula Ward; former president, Nicaragua Managua Mission (1992-1995) and stake president; wife, Jeanette Boza.
Edison M. Cabrito, 45, Baguio City, Philippines, called to the Third Quorum of the Seventy; building supervisor, Facilities Management Department; currently serving as a high councilor; former president of the Philippines Naga Mission (1995-1998), regional representative and stake president; wife, Florciele Cabrito.
Tad R. Callister, 54, Glendale, Calif.; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; attorney, Callister & Callister; currently serving as bishop of the Glendale 1st Ward; former regional representative and stake president; wife, Kathryn Callister.
Marco A. Cardenas, 41, Cuautitlan Izcalli, Mexico; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; human resource director, Mexico Area Office; currently serving in a stake presidency; former president of the Mexico Tijuana Mission and stake president; wife, Ofelia Cardenas.
Yatyr M. Cesar, 46, Canoas, Brazil; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; regional coordinator, Church Educational System; currently serving as regional welfare agent; former president of the Brazil Rio de Janeiro North Mission and counselor in a stake presidency; wife, Angela Cesar.
Flavio A. Cooper, 44, Campinas, Brazil; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; federal judge; currently serving as ward Young Men president, Sunday School teacher, institute instructor and stake director of public affairs; former stake president; wife, Maria Leonor Cooper.
Robert M. Cowan, 50, Samford, Australia; called to the Third Quorum of the Seventy; owner of business managing office relocations and trainer for professional development courses; currently serving as ward Young Men president; former president of the New Zealand Wellington Mission (1996-1999) and stake president; wife, Jennifer Anne Cowan.
Reynaldo L. Cuyong, 60; Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines; called to the Third Quorum of the Seventy; sheriff; currently serving as president of the Cagayan de Oro Philippines East Stake; former counselor in a stake presidency; wife, Virginia Cuyong.
Fred C. Dimaya, 54, Laguna, Philippines; called to the Third Quorum of the Seventy; assistant director for temporal affairs in Church Southeast Asia Area; former president of the Philippines Tacloban Mission (1996-1999), regional representative, and stake president; wife, Maria Dimaya.
Rowland E. Elvidge, 63, St. Albans, England; called to the Third Quorum of the Seventy; director, Benelux Companies; currently serving as chairman of the Area Youth Activity Committee and member of the London Public Affairs Committee; former president of the England Bristol Mission (1994-1997) and stake president; wife, Barbara Elvidge.
Jaime Ferreira, 46, Bogota, Colombia; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; financial director, O'Gara-Hess & Eisen Hardt of Colombia; currently serving as branch president; former president of the Colombia Cali Mission (1993-1996), regional representative, and stake president; wife, Vilma Ferreira.
Roberto Garcia, 40, Bogota, Colombia; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; country director, Church Educational System; currently serving as a high councilor; former president of the Ecuador Quito Mission (1996-1999) and counselor in a stake presidency; wife, Carmen Garcia.
D. Rex Gerratt, 64, Burley, Idaho; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; retired dairy farmer; currently serving as a missionary; former president of the Philippines Manila Mission (1996-1999) and stake president; wife, Marjorie Gerratt.
Jose L. Gonzalez, 47, Pereira, Colombia; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; administrative manager, Transformadores Magom Ltd.; currently serving as president of the Costa Rica San Jose Mission (since 1997); former stake president; wife, Monica Gonzalez.
James J. Hamula, 42, Mesa, Arizona; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; attorney and partner, Kimball & Curry; currently serving as stake Young Men president; former president of the Washington D.C. South Mission (1994-1997) and stake president; wife, Joyce Hamula.
Ralph W. Hardy Jr., 59, Potomac, Md.; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; attorney and senior partner, Dow, Lohnes & Albertson; recently released as president of the Washington D.C. Stake; wife, Carole Hardy.
Joseph T. Hicken, 58, Wilmette, Ill.; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; orthodontist; currently serving as regional public affairs director and temple sealer; former regional representative and stake president; wife, Leslie Anne Hicken.
Merrill F. Higham, 60, Belmont, Calif.; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; principal, accounting firm of Higham, Richards & Vranes; currently serving as Northern California Coordinator, Protection of Marriage Initiative; former stake president; wife, Carol Higham.
Michael L. Jensen, 49, San Diego, Calif.; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; attorney and partner, Luce Forward, Hamilton & Scripps; currently serving as counselor in the Penasquitos California Stake mission presidency; former president of the Germany Frankfurt Mission (1995-1998), regional representative, and stake president; wife, Jean Jensen.
Glen O. Jenson, 61; Logan, Utah; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; professor and extension specialist, family and human development, Utah State University; currently serving as president of the Logan Utah University 3rd Stake; former counselor in a stake presidency; wife, Kathylene Jenson.
Spencer V. Jones, 54, Orem, Utah; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; property management/owner; currently serving as a missionary and executive secretary to the Mexico South Area Presidency; former president of the Chile Antofagasta Mission (1994-1997); wife, Joyce Jones.
Ronald L. Loveland, 59, Nampa, Idaho; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; area director, Facilities Management Department; currently serving as president of the Nampa Idaho Stake; former president of the Texas San Antonio Mission (1973-1976) and regional represen-tative; wife, Linda Jean Loveland.
Hans H. Mattsson, 49, Haninge, Sweden; called to the Third Quorum of the Seventy; manager for Capella, Stockholm; former counselor in a stake presidency; wife, Birgitta Mattsson.
James B. McDonald, 58, Provo, Utah; BYU professor; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; currently serving as a high councilor; former president of the California Anaheim Mission (1996-1999) and counselor in a stake presidency; wife, Kathleen McDonald.
Ross H. McEachran, 54, Mooretown, Ontario; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; president and owner, Lindross Holdings, Ltd.; secretary and co-owner, College Park Estates Ltd.; currently serving as a counselor in a stake mission presidency; former stake president; wife, Linda Dawn McEachran.
A. Roger Merrill, 55, Lehi, Utah; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; president and CEO, Family Leadership International; senior consultant, Franklin Covey; currently serving as president of the Lehi Utah North Stake; former counselor in a stake presidency; wife, Rebecca Merrill.
Haruyoshi Nakamura, 60, Osaka, Japan; called to the Third Quorum of the Seventy; vice president, Nisshin Air Service; currently serving as stake mission president; former regional representative and stake president; wife, Yoko Nakamura.
Alfonso L. Ramos, 42, Puebla, Mexico; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; chief financial officer, LUK (auto parts manufacturer); currently serving as a counselor in a mission presidency; former stake president; wife, Maria Ramos.
Dale G. Renlund, 47, Salt Lake City, Utah; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; cardiologist, University of Utah Health Sciences Center; currently serving as an assistant to a high priests group leader; former stake president; wife, Ruth Renlund.
Carlos C. Revillo Sr., 60, General Santos City, Philippines; called to the Third Quorum of the Seventy; retired unit manager, Philam Life Insurance; currently serving as counselor in a stake presidency; former president, Philippines Tacloban Mission (1993-1996) and district president; wife, Amparo Revillo.
Lindon J. Robison, 55, Okemos, Mich.; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; professor, Michigan State University; former president, Lansing Michigan Stake; wife, Bonnie Robison.
J. Mitchel Scott, 60, Jamestown, N.C.; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; vice president and general manger, consumer marketing, Thomasville Furniture; currently serving as president of the Greensboro North Carolina Stake; former counselor in a stake presidency; wife, Sue Scott.
Jean A. Tefan, 51, Punaauia, Tahiti; called to the Third Quorum of the Seventy; country director, French Polynesia, Church Educational System; currently serving as stake mission president; former president of the Fiji Suva Mission (1996-1999) and stake president; wife, Gisele Tefan.
Guillermo Torres, 65, Cocoyoc, Mexico; called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy; retired engineering consultant; currently serving as regional welfare agent; former president of the Mexico City Mexico MTC, president of the Mexico Merida Mission (1989-1992), regional representative and stake president; wife, Socorro Torres.
Roland N. Walker, 45, Idaho Falls, Idaho; called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy; president and manager, Walker Farms; currently serving as a high councilor; former president of the Chile Santiago West Mission (1995-1998); wife, Sally Walker.