"THE FAT BOY CHRONICLES," 2010, Tin Roof Films, unrated
"The Fat Boy Chronicles" is inspired by a true story and focuses on the struggles of Jimmy Winterpock (Christopher Rivera), a self-proclaimed “diet-challenged kid.”
He sits in the back row so he won’t have to hear things like, “We can’t see around Jimmy!”
When Jimmy's English teacher requires students to write three half pages a week in a journal, Jimmy complains about the assignment. But the journal entries eventually become an avenue for Jimmy to let out some of his fears and insecurities, and the audience is able to connect with him.
The sources of bullying in "The Fat Boy Chronicles" are startling. The first signs come from Jimmy's sister. She refuses to let him ride to school in her car and makes comments about him being too fat to fit in one seat. The bullying continues from a teacher, a coach and countless high school students.
Jimmy appears to be bullied for no reason other than his weight. He confides in his doctor during a check-up about the effect the bullying has on his self-esteem. Jimmy's doctor tells him, "If you don't lose the weight, it'll never stop."
At this point, Jimmy makes some changes in his life. He decides to take up running, and he ditches many of his unhealthy food choices. It is wonderful to see that his parents are supportive.
One scene in the film shows Jimmy at a pep rally where he feels "invisible" and questions his peers. "Don't they know that I'm a good person?"
The rest of the film follows Jimmy through the school year. He experiences highs and lows, but finishes the year with more confidence and self-esteem.
"The Fat Boy Chronicles" depicts life as we all know it — as we progress, we experience some good days and some bad days in order to be happy in the end.
Although some of his old and new friends face more dramatic problems, such as abusive parents, Jimmy’s day-to-day struggles are compelling. He is honest and likable, which make believable his effort to lose weight, his faith and his growing social confidence.
"The Fat Boy Chronicles" would be helpful for parents, educators and teens. The key to preventing bullying is alerting people of the problem. This film offers a way to connect with Jimmy and experience how it feels to be bullied.