Dear Angela: I’m supposed to go to the singles ward in my assigned geographic area. In this ward, however, all the activities, lessons and talks feel like they are created for a much younger age group. Most of our ward gatherings feel like mutual activities. I’d like to attend my assigned ward, but I’m 27 years old and I need to worship in a more mature and intellectually stimulating way. Any ideas?
Gettin’ old I guess
Dear Gettin’ old I guess,
There are a few things you could do. For starters, you could check out the local family ward. Sometimes family wards get a bad rap when you’re single, but you’ll be with older people (possibly more mature gospel discussions?) and may even meet some other single adults who are attending the family ward for the same reason. #NewFriends #Bonus
Fair warning, though, the grass is always greener on the other side. No ward or congregation is perfect, but it’s worth checking out.
Second, you could approach your current YSA bishop about helping to plan the activities. You may even create specific activities for an older age group. If you're feeling this way, it's likely others are, too. Use your creativity and faith to find solutions.
The last thing I'll say is that as you get older, your role in the ward changes a little bit. Membership statistics show that many religions lose members during their 20s, but not you. What have you done/learned/experienced that may help some other younger members of your singles ward? Teaching is a powerful way to worship and to feel the spirit.
I hope some of these ideas help, let us know how it goes.
Readers: Have you ever experienced these feelings? These are my ideas, what are yours? Share your thoughts.
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Angela Trusty is a millennial writer who lives and writes about the young adult Mormon experience. Twitter: askange_column