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Not all heroes wear capes. In fact, many everyday heroes live very quietly — they don’t seek out recognition and so their good deeds often go unnoticed. In an attempt to give these people some deserved credit, we went on Facebook and asked our followers who their hero was and how they gained that title. We received many stories of selflessness, bravery and love and wanted to share some of them with you. Hope you find them as inspiring as we did.

Cydnee Jones, Ogden

My hero is our daughter’s birth mom. She is selfless; her desire to put the needs of a child above the wants of her heart allowed for our family to be complete. She has incredible strength and we will be forever grateful for the ultimate sacrifice she made.

Heidi Denucci, Farmington

My husband is my hero. He gave up his dream of playing football at BYU to work and go to school full-time, providing for our family. He deserves something for him because he’s been so selfless in letting me stay home with our baby while he works all day.

Randy Johnson, Tooele

My hero has to be my big brother Ken. He’s faced cancer for 20 plus years now, every day is a new struggle for him and he never asks anything from anybody. He’s been through so much, so much pain. He has been in and out of the hospitals for treatments to tumors growing out of his bones... He never sees the bad in people and is always willing to give and do what he can for anyone even if he's sick and hurting. Life is not about him; it’s about everyone he comes in contact with. That’s my hero.

Paul Pitts, Magna

My wife is my hero! Every day I’m still amazed how she balances a full-time job, running a household and still finds time to be involved in all our friends and families extracurricular activities and does it all with a smile and that big beautiful heart of hers. One of the most compassionate and loving person I know, that’s why I love her so.

Kristine Parker

My hero is Verlene Wiley. She is an above and beyond volunteer in kindergarten at the school I work at. You can find Mrs. V, as she is known by the students, helping with reading programs, craft projects, playing games with the kids at recess, reading books, testing the kids on sight words and bringing in her beloved pet hedgehog Hazel for the kids to observe. The love she has for the students is felt by all who are around her. She is one amazing lady!

Laurie Corbett Turley, Ogden

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My hero is a man who will be 75 on the 28th of this month. He suffered a severe stroke in Jan of 2016. He had to relearn how to do everything over again, and walked out of rehab in 28 days — which tells you something about what kind of man he is. He has worked hard every day from when he was a young kid on the farm, has served for his country and takes pride in everything he does. Today he still suffers from the effects of the stroke with very limited use of his left arm (his left hand has no mobility at all and he is left handed) has not hindered his work ethic at all. He still works to this day, and although it is frustrating at times, he still tries to make the best of it. This man I am so proud and lucky my dad, teacher and mentor in life. I love you daddy!

Lindsay Baggett Duncan

My hero is my mom. She is a single mom and has been for about 19 years. She did everything she could to provide for us, she drove a snow plow and a school bus for 4 years before getting a job at a police department. When I went through my divorce myself, we had nothing, she made sure me and my kids had a place to live, she fixed up our whole home, tiled, sheetrocked, painted and built us a home from the inside out. She supported me emotionally, she’s my rock! She deserves the world. I hope I can be half the woman she is, that my kids will look up to me as much as I do her!

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