“Star Wars: The Mandalorian” dropped Tuesday morning with the launch of Disney Plus, bringing “Star Wars” fans into a larger world of the extended “Star Wars” universe.
The setup: The show tells the story of a lone bounty hunter named, well, the Mandalorian, who is seeking a bounty that he can cash in for currency. This is the life of a bounty hunter, a character type we’ve seen in previous “Star Wars” works with Boba Fett in the original series, Jango Fett in the sequel series and at various points throughout the “Star Wars” cartoons and animated shows.
Context: There was skepticism about whether “The Mandalorian” would have any ties to Boba Fett, or whether or not the show was secretly hiding the fact that it was about Boba Fett.
Well, it looks like Boba Fett might have appeared in the first episode, if you look hard enough.
Where?: As Vanity Fair first reported, if you stop the episode at the 18:31 mark, you’ll see the Mandalorian inside an underground location of his Mandalorian community. A figure moves through the shadows behind him.
- In the original shot of the episode, you can barely make out the figure. But when you brighten it, the picture shows someone who appears to be dressed in Boba Fett’s iconic armor.
Photos: The Deseret News independently took screenshots of the scene. The first two are simple screenshots. The second two are with increased brightness.
Details: A lot of the suit indicates this may be Boba Fett.
- “While other characters in the background of this scene are also wearing Mandalorian armor, this figure most closely matches the color scheme and armor of Boba Fett. Notice the red in both his helmet and his left forearm, which you can see in this shot from ‘Return of the Jedi,’” according to Nerdist.
- And, according to Variety, “Not only do all the colors match, but the figure has a blaster dent on the upper right of the helmet in the same spot as Fett.”
That said: Showrunner Jon Favreau told “Good Morning America” that Boba Fett wasn’t one of the main characters of the show.
- “Boba Fett is not one of the all-new original characters,” he explained. “There’s a 30-year stretch of story time that hasn’t been explored at all, except in the extended universe.”