“Star Wars: The Clone Wars” released its series finale Monday morning, putting an end to the story of the Clone Wars and its hero, Ahsoka Tano.

Ahsoka — a character created for “Clone Wars” — was the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker before he became Darth Vader.

The series’ final arc featured Ahsoka Tano leading the Siege of Mandalore, a battle between the Darth Maul’s Mandalorian army and the Republic. After it ends, Ahsoka is attacked by clone troopers because of Order 66 — which led to the Great Jedi Purge. She escapes in the end, heading off into parts unknown.

We already knew Ahsoka survived Order 66, though. She appeared in “Star Wars: Rebels,” an animated show that ran from 2014 to 2018.

She first appeared under the codename “Fulcrum” before revealing herself to be Ahsoka Tano. She appears in “Star Wars: Rebels” at multiple points, becoming a main character in season 2 and playing a massive role in the finale.

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Here’s a breakdown, which comes courtesy of the Star Wars Rebels fandom page.

“Rebels” season 1:

“Rebels” season 2:

“Rebels” season 3:

“Rebels” season 4:

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