Just five months after the series finale of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” DeGeneres announced she will return to television in her new series, “About Time for Yourself...with Ellen.”

The comedic docu-style series follows the retired talk show host through her brief period of unemployment, where she picks up new hobbies in attempts to keep herself busy.

“Lately, I’ve been taking some time for just myself, away from the cameras,” DeGeneres says in a short preview video. “I’ve been having such a great time, I thought I would share some of what I’ve been doing with you.”

According to the series description, DeGenerous picks up hobbies such as bird watching, crocheting and making cards. As DeGenerous learns new skills, viewers can too.

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‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ has come to an end after 19 seasons

The eight-episode series is filmed in DeGenerous’s home as she tries new things in a “very Ellen way,” according to the series description. The series debuts Saturday on her YouTube channel.

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“The Ellen DeGeneres Show” concluded in May, after a 19-season run. The series won 61 Emmys during its lifespan.

The long-running series was damaged over claims DeGenerous created a “toxic” work environment for her employees, according to the New York Post.

A string of complaints publicly came out on Twitter after comedian Kevin Porter tweeted that DeGeneres is “notoriously one of the meanest people alive,” and asked followers to share stories about her behavior.

During the Season 18 premiere, DeGenerous apologized for the alleged work environment. “I’m so sorry to the people it affected. I’m committed to ensuring this does not happen again,” the 64-year-old comedian said.

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Ellen DeGeneres apologizes to employees as her show is investigated for ‘toxic’ work environment
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