Looking for a place to practice piano? Downtown Salt Lake City can be your own concert venue.
The Key Changes project features six upcycled pianos stationed outside Abravanel Hall that are open for the public to play through September. The project, a joint effort among Salt Lake County Arts and Culture, the Gina Bachauer Piano Foundation and The Blocks Arts District, aims to make visual and performing arts more accessible to the masses.
The pianos were upcycled by six local artists — Ryan Harrington, Chuck Landvatter, Evan Jed Memmott, Richard Taylor, Kalani Tonga Tufuaku, and Ben Wiemeyer.
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In addition to the pianos being open to anyone to play, a free public concert is to be held at Abravanel Plaza on the last Friday of each month at noon through the month of September. Photojournalist Brice Tucker captured some fun musical moments in August.