Based on building projections in the Granite School District, district officials decided Tuesday night to create committees in several neighborhoods to anticipate student housing needs.
Much of the anticipated construction will occur in areas where schools already are on year-round schedules to deal with overcrowding, said Jerry Pulsipher, associate director for elementary school services.Principals have surveyed their neighborhoods to determine where and when building is anticipated, he said. A total of 2,661 housing units are expected to be completed or under construction through 1994.
The projections include 363 new residential units in the Bacchus area; 100 in Granger; 284 in Holladay; 530 in Hillside; 223 in Westbrook; and 124 in West Kearns. Other school neighborhoods are looking at numbers that are under 100.
The district will empanel committees consisting of educators and parents as follows: one committee for Bacchus, Beehive, Bridger and South Kearns; one for Hillside, Orchard, Silver Hills and Hunter; one for Westbrook and Bennion; and one for Pioneer and Hillsdale.
The committees will be asked to study school population projections and make recommendations on housing, which could include boundary changes, year-round or other options, by February 1994.