Yes, another letter from a federal retiree. I'll spare us all rehashing the arguments already published. They are by now common as Utah potholes. Simply put, Gov. Leavitt still doesn't "get it."
This entire issue of tax refunds is not about money. Bangerter ignored the issue and passed it on to Leavitt. He chose to delay it as long as possible through legal maneuvering in the courts, even making a retroactive tax law, to support his position, rejected the court decisions and finally threatened us with more of the same if we did not accept the offer.Leavitt has forgotten he is dealing with a group of men and women who dedicated their skills, loyalty and very lives for periods of 20, 30 years and longer. We learned sacrifice and perseverance. We did not quit then, nor will we now.
So the next time he sees that Energizer bunny on television that "just keeps going," think of us. We won't go away either. This is no longer about money, it's about respect.
Logan Taylor
Salt Lake City