The Duchesne County School Board recently approved a four-day week at the Tabiona School to enable students at the rural school, which houses grades kindergarten through 12, to participate in district extracurricular activities without missing class time.
"The school board will implement the change January 24, 1994, on a trial basis," said John Aland, district superintendent. "If successful, the four-day week will continue into the next school year."According to Aland, students in upper grades at the Tabiona School were missing 25 percent of the school year to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, drama and Future Farmers of America meetings on Fridays. He said many other schools in Tabiona's region have already switched to the four-day week in order to hold such events on Fridays.
"Tabiona is a smaller school and the majority of kids are involved in school activities. Tabiona's activities will now be conducted mostly on Fridays and Saturdays, allowing the kids more time in the classroom."
Aland said so far there has been just one negative response by a parent to the change. All other calls received by the district have supported the change.
Students will begin their school day at the same time as usual at 8:30 a.m. but will adjourn an hour later at 4 p.m. Teachers will be required to come to school half an hour earlier and stay a half an hour later and work some Fridays to fulfill their contract hours.