It was a warm April morning when Elizabeth Sandoval found out her husband's name wasn't William but Bernardo.
The truth about his identity didn't really sink in until after the FBI agents had taken her then-fiance to jail, saying he was a fugitive from Utah."One day I got up and there was the FBI in my face," she said. "He never acted like he had anything to hide."
But Bernardo Sandoval had everything to hide. He was a convicted felon who escaped from the Utah State Prison in 1981.
In April of this year, his past caught up with him and federal agents arrested him and sent him back to prison in Utah.
Elizabeth Sandoval described a knock on their door in the early morning hours of April 14. "I said: `William, there's someone at the door. My gosh. It's 7:30, it must be important.' "
She said she heard him talking to several men. Then, while she was still lying in bed, two men entered her bedroom.
"(They) came in and started looking in the closet and under the bed. I said, `Excuse me?' They said, `Ma'am, we're looking for Bernardo Sandoval.' I told them there wasn't any other man in my bedroom."
Elizabeth put on a robe and went into the living room, where she saw her then-fiance handcuffed on the floor. She asked what was going on. "He told me this man was armed and dangerous and had escaped from the Utah State Prison. I just said, `You've got to be kidding!' "
In 1977, Bernardo Sandoval was 23. He was going through a divorce, having money trouble and was depressed. He went drinking with two men his wife had introduced him to earlier, and the trio decided to rob a gas station.
Sandoval said he never took the gun out of his pocket, but the clerk said Sandoval pointed it at him and pulled the hammer back. Sandoval was convicted of aggravated robbery, a first-degree felony but got a break when a judge placed him on probation because it was his first offense.
Sandoval stayed out of trouble for two years but violated his probation when he left for vacation in California without his probation officer's permission.
He went to prison for that violation and after eight months of his zero-to-five-year sentence, he said he couldn't take it anymore.
"I got tired of fighting," Sandoval said. So he escaped by arranging for a ride and the next day climbing a 6-foot fence topped with razor wire.
"I left and never turned around to look back," he said. "I headed out East; got a bus ticket and went to Key West, Fla."
He created a new identity for himself using his older brother's name. His first jobs were cooking and diving for a company in Key West. He moved to Tampa after that and got a job selling men's clothes.
Despite his success in work, he said his past haunted him.
"There was not one day that went by that I didn't look over my shoulder," he said. Sandoval never took the direct route home fearing the police would be waiting for him.
He got to know everyone in his neighborhoods, even joined the neighborhood watch, so he'd recognize anyone suspicious.
"I might not have been in prison here, but I was in my own prison when I was out," he said. His desire to stay out of prison was one of the reasons he was able to stay out of trouble.
The other reason was work. He said he found success and happiness in selling and custom designing men's clothing. He looks more like a football player than a seamstress, but that's where he made his niche.
While he was out, he was married a third time to a woman named Kathy for 10 years. He hasn't talked to her since he was arrested.
Two years ago he met Elizabeth, and fell in love with not just her, but her daughter Megan.
"He's the only father she's ever known," Elizabeth Sandoval said. "He claimed her and she claimed him. As far as she's concerned, that's that."
Despite not knowing about his past, Elizabeth moved to Utah after his arrest and married him inside the prison in September.
"I don't know this guy of 13 years ago. I know the man I dated and the man I lived with, and he's a good man," she said from her Taylorsville home.
Her daughter Megan, now 5, visits Bernardo Sandoval as part of the Horizon Program. Elizabeth Sandoval said the little girl misses her dad and loves the one-on-one time she gets with him in the prison program.
Sandoval's eyes fill with tears when he thinks about missing more of Megan's life. Some of those tears may be for his biological daughter, Judy, who was 5 when Sandoval escaped from prison.
While he was in jail waiting to go back to prison, Sandoval's little brother told Elizabeth he had a surprise for them - he'd found Judy, now 19. She remembered very little of her father but went to visit him in prison.
Sandoval wants to get to know Judy outside the prison walls, but that's up to the Board of Pardons and Parole. He goes before the board Friday morning; he's been in prison almost eight months this time.
He says he's now playing by the rules and is even involved in programming. He wants the board to release him and said he'd serve another three years on parole, if necessary.
"I can adapt to society," Sandoval said. "I proved that. I didn't come back on a new crime in 13 years. I'm not a troublemaker. I have a wife who loves me. I have a 5-year-old daughter."
He admits some may say he hasn't been punished enough for his crime crime, and he agrees.
"I can't say I paid my debt," he said. "I did something out of foolishness, out of anger. If I knew the offense was as serious as it was, I would've backed out. No one really pays their debt for committing a crime. I was wrong."
Even though he's back in prison, Sandoval said he's relieved he's not running anymore.
"I used to go off by myself and cry (while on the run)," said Sandoval, now 40. "All I did was cry; I never had nobody to lean on. I never made friends, just acquaintances. I'm glad it's over with."