- English instructor; requirements include master's degree with high school or college experience in teaching composition and reading.

- Faculty position in modern/social/tap dance; requirements include master's degree or comparable professional experience, previous experience in teaching dance preferred.

For either position, apply to Max L. Checketts, Assistant Academic Vice President for Instruction, Ricks College, Rexburg, Idaho 83460-4172, (208) 356-1140; deadline, Jan. 13, 1995.


- Two tenure track faculty positions in Department of Physical Education, one in sport pedagogy and history/philosophy, and the other in elementary P.E. and special education; requirements include doctorate in sport pedagogy/curriculum instruction. Submit letter of application; vita and statement of research interests; list of names, address and phone numbers for letters of reference to Earlene Durrant, Chair, Department of Physical Education, 221-F Richards Building, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602; deadline, Jan. 13, 1995

- BYU clothing and textiles department; requirements include graduate degrees or the pursuing of graduate degrees in clothing and textiles or a closely related discipline; professional experience is desirable; send resume to Marvin C.J. Kuchar, Search Committee, 2251 SFLC, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602

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