Michael D. Bush, marketing director, CARE of Utah
Age: 30.
Where born: Salt Lake City.
Family: Wife Christy and two children, Ashley and Hayden.
Education: University of Utah: bachelor of science degree.
Primary products: Utah's first voluntary, nongovernmental health-insurance coalition, which allows small businesses to provide their employees with a choice of low-cost plans.
Primary markets: Small businesses and employers throughout the state.
Number of employees: Three.
Annual sales: $13.5.
First "real" job: Clothing salesman.
Management style: Team-oriented decision-making.
Strategy for success: Have a passionate belief in myself and others. Be willing to take chances. Work hard. A memorable failure: My unsuccessful campaign for high school class president.
Heroes: My family and John Muir.
Leisure time and hobbies: Politics, music, backpacking and wilderness photography.
Favorite book and movie: Book: "Ender's Game." Movie: Kenneth Branagh's "Henry V."