Gittins Gallery (Art & Architecture bldg., U. of U. campus, 581-8677) - Informal exhibit of work by upper division sculpture students, through Dec. 23.
Sun Valley Center Gallery (5th and Washington Streets, Ketchum, Idaho, 208-726-9491) - New works by Ron Pippin, Dec. 19 through Jan. 27, 1995. Opening reception, Wednesday, Dec. 28.
A Woman's Place Bookstore - Cottonwood (4835 S. Highland Drive
Cottonwood MallT, 278-9855) - Photography and collage by Margie Vierig, drawings by Karen Curinga, both through February 1995.
A Woman's Place Bookstore - Hidden Valley (Hidden Valley Mall, Draper, 576-8500) - Varied media by Stacee Clayton, to continue indefinitely.
A Woman's Place Bookstore - Foothill (1400 Foothill Drive, Foothill Village, 583-6431) - Hand-colored photographs by Susan Church, earthenware bowls by Kathleen Regan, both through January 1995. Also, six recently discovered photographs of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, by photographer Nickolas Muray, through December.
Ancient Future Gallery* (863 E. 900 South, 539-8777) - "Spirit of the Season," Holiday Group Show, through December.
Anderson-Foothill Library (1135 S. 2100 East, 524-8278) - "Recent Works in Oil and Pastel" by Sam Collett, through Dec. 30.
Anthony's Antiques and Fine Arts (401 E. 200 South, 328-2231) - New antique and fine-art showroom, through December.
Art Access Gallery* (339 W. Pierpont, 328-0703) - "Only The Shadow Knows: revelations from the unconscious," box assemblages by 26 artists from Utah and six other states, through Dec. 23.
Atrium Gallery (third floor, Salt Lake City Public Library) - "Bad Dog Marks the Territory," paintings by Michael Morgan-Moonbird, through Jan. 10, 1995.
C Gallery (466 S. 500 East, 359-8625) - "A is for American in Paris: Joni Anderson," through Dec. 30.
D.B. Gallery (125 E. 6100 South, Murray, 268-9562) - Paintings by D. Barton, K. Baxter, H. Hartwig, H. Hopkinson, N. Lund, R. Murray, C. Purcell and others. Sculpture by Harley Brown, A.P. Proctor and Geoffrey Smith, through December.
Dolores Chase Gallery* (260 S. 200 West, 328-2787) - Holiday Invitational, "The Art of Giving," with works by Barsch, Bartholomew, Deffebach, Evans, Gittens, Himes, Huelskamp, Jussila, Kershisnik, Lambros, Meacham, Richmond, Roberson, Wagstaff, Wassmer, Woodbury and other invited artists, through Jan. 4, 1995.
East Millcreek Library (2266 E. Evergreen Ave., 943-4636) - Recent paintings by John K. Fetzer. Also, art projects by students, ages 8 and older, of artist Jule Jacobsen. Both through December.
Finch Lane Gallery (54 Finch Lane, 596-5000) - Paintings by Rob Adamson and Marty Stenerson, and sculpture by Cordell Taylor, through Dec. 30. Also, "Holiday Craft Exhibit and Sale" through Dec. 22.
Frame Works (University Mall, Orem) - Watercolors and prints by Rebecca Hart-vigsen through December.
F. Weixler Gallery (132 `E' Street, 534-1014) - Recent art VaLoy Eaton, Harrison Groutage, Frank Magleby, Kimbal Warren, Karl Thomas, Dennis Smith and other Utah artists, through December.
Hippodrome Gallery* (FHP Health Care, 2500 S. State, 461-6617) - "Necessity & Beyond: Utah Craft Yesterday and Today," through Jan. 14.
Holladay Library (2150 E. 4800 South, 943-4636, ext. 334) - Watercolors and acrylics by Virginia Clarkson, through December.
King's Cottage Gallery (2233 S. 700 East, 486-5019) - Holiday Exhibit by artists Ken Baxter, Bonnie Posselli, Allen Roberts, Susan Gallacher, James Omer, Marci Omer, Mari-anna Sullivan and John Hughes, through January.
Leftbank Gallery* (242 S. 200 West, 539-0343) - "Holiday Group Show" with all member artists exhibiting new works, through Jan. 13, 1995.
Magna Library (8339 W. 3500 South, 943-4636) - Oils by Hilda Gonzales. Also, dolls by Sue Burkett. Both through December.
Marble House Gallery (44 Exchange Place, 532-7332) - Photographs by Mark Walker Smith, through Dec. 14.
Mills Gallery (Ivy Place, 4700 S. 900 East #28, 263-2882) - "Christmas Show & Sale" with recent paintings by Linda Curley, Graydon Foulger, Ralph Butler, Richard Miles and other gallery regulars, through December.
Moonflower Gallery* (149 S. Main St., 532-0757) - Paintings by Mark Anthony Hatsis, Daniel Arsenault and Edward Macner, through Jan. 14, 1995.
Museum of Church History and Art (45 N. West Temple, 240-2299) - "Sacred Connections: Native Art of the American Southwest," curated by senior museum curator Richard Oman, through Aug. 20, 1995. East Gallery: "Jesus Once Was a Little Child . . . ," an exhibit designed especially for children, through September 1995. Theater Foyer Gallery: "Joseph and Hyrum Smith: Brothers in Life, Companions in Death," through Jan. 16, 1995. Also, "Unto You is Born a Savior: Christmas Creches from Around the World," through Jan. 2, 1995.
Phillips Gallery* (444 E. 200 South, 364-8284) - Holiday exhibit, "Small Packages," through Jan. 7, 1995.
Repartee Gallery* (ZCMI Center, 364-4809) - "Presence of Christmas," with artists Greg Olsen and Scott Gustafsen, through Jan. 13, 1995. Also, watercolors and prints by Rebecca Hartvigsen through December.
Repartee Gallery* (1400 S. Foothill Dr., 582-6810) - Holiday favorites, including the work of Dean Morrissey and Rebecca Hartvigsen, through December.
Salt Lake Art Center* (20 S. West Temple, 328-4201) - Upstairs Gallery: "The Radiant Object: Folk Art From the Volkersz Collection," self-taught artists, through Jan. 1, 1995. Main Gallery: "Mia Famiglia," paintings and drawings, 1990-1994, by John Giarrizzo, through Jan. 4, 1995.
Salt Lake Community College (Markosian Library Art Gallery, Redwood Campus, 4600 S. Redwood Rd., 957-4905) - Calligraphy Guild Group Show, through Jan. 18.
Salt Lake County Building (2100 S. State Street, North Atrium) - Paintings and sculptures by Robert E. Anderson, through Jan. 13, 1995.
Sandy City Library (10100 S. Petunia Way
1450 EastT) - Watercolors by Karen Sullivan, through December.
Sandy City Parks & Recreation (440 E. 8680 South, Sandy) - Paintings by Loretta Derr, through December.
Sweet Avenues Branch Library (455 F Street, 524-8276) - "Annual Holiday Arts and Crafts Exhibit and Sale" through Dec. 31.
Tivoli Gallery* (255 S. State, 521-6288) - Recent works by Ken Baxter; studio works, sketches and paintings by his deceased brother Dan; also current works by Elva Malin, through December.
University of Utah Hospital Lobby - Photography by Nickolas Muray and Alvin Langdon Coburn, through December.
Utah Museum of Fine Art* (University of Utah, S. Campus Drive, 581-7332) - Hansen Gallery: "The Elements of Art," through Feb. 26, '95. Michael and Thomas galleries: "Lee Greene Richards: Portrait Painter," through Jan. 8, 1995. Also, "V. Douglas Snow: Paintings Since 1980," through Jan. 15, 1995, Val A. Browning Gallery.
Utah Museum of Natural History* (215 E. 1350 South, University of Utah, 581-4303) - "Wild Expressions," featuring the work of 30 Utah wildlife artists, through Feb. 26, 1995.
Williams Fine Art* (Main Lobby, Eagle Gate Plaza, 60 E. South Temple, 534-0331) - Works by Kent Wallis, Richard Murray, Al Rounds and early Utah artists, through January.
* Member, Salt Lake Art Dealers Association.
A Woman's Place Bookstore - Park City (1890 Bonanza Drive, Park City Plaza, 649-2722) - Oils, watercolors and pastels by Shauna Sugino, through Jan. 1, 1995.
Alliance for the Varied Arts (43 S. Main, Logan, 753-7058) - "Gallery of Gifts" exhibition featuring favorite Gift Shop and Holly Faire artists, through Dec. 22.
Apple Frame Gallery (23 N. Main St., Bountiful, 298-1227) - Featuring Bountiful Temple art and photos through Feb. 15, 1995.
Art Gallery (F303 Harris Fine Arts Center, Brigham Young University) - Department of Art's "Annual Faculty Show" through Dec. 20.
Associated Utah Artists (280 W. 1500 South, First Security Bank at 5 Points Mall, Bountiful) - Group show, through January.
Bountiful/Davis Art Center (2175 S. Main St., Bountiful, 292-0367) - "The 1994 Holiday Exhibition and Sale" featuring all varities of original art, through Dec. 23.
The Denver Art Museum (100 W. 14th Avenue Parkway, Denver, (303) 640-2466) - "American Impressionism and Realism: The Painting of Modern Life, 1885-1915," through Feb. 5, 1995. From the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, featured artists include: John Singer Sargent, Mary Cassatt, William Merritt Chase, Childe Hassam, Robert Henri, John Sloan, William Glackens and George Bellows.
Kimball Art Center (638 Park Ave., Park City, 649-8882) - Mixed media by Park City Professional Artists Associationm, Main Gallery, and needlepoint by Naomi Gordon Doyle, Lower Gallery. Both exhibitions run through Jan. 4, 1995.
Museum of Art (Brigham Young University, North Campus Drive, Provo, 378-7320) - "Shakespearean Subjects of Edwin Austin Abbey" from the Yale University Art Gallery and other collections, through Jan. 31, 1995. Also, "American Musical Instruments from the Metropolitan Museum of Art," through Sept. 30, 1995. Also, "150 Years of American Painting," artwork from BYU's permanent collection, on display through Aug. 1999. "C.C.A. Christensen's Mormon Panorama," through Sept. 1995. Also, "Out of Print: Works by 25 Utah Artists," through Sept. 1995.
Myra Powell Gallery (Union Station, 2501 Wall Ave., Ogden, 84401) - Watercolors and sculptures by Terri Johnson and Photographs by Chad Johnson, both through December.
NEH Museum of Art (Utah State University, Logan, 750-1351) - Harrison Gallery: "Nora Eccles Harrison Ceramics Collection," through August '95.
Nicolaysen Art Museum (400 E. Collins Drive, Casper, Wyo., 235-5247) - Photographs of Wyoming landscapes and places by Gerry Spence, through Feb. 19, 1995.
Peteetneet Art Gallery (21 N. Peteetneet Blvd.
600 EastT, Payson, 465-3579) - "Arts in Education Group Exhibition," through Dec. 30.
Saguaro Gallery (314 Main St., Park City, 645-7667) - "Miniature Masterpieces Sale and Show" featuring the works of over 100 artists, through Dec. 31.
Springville Museum of Art (126 E. 400 South, Springville, 489-2727) - West Gallery: "Inclusion: A Collaborative Exhibition." Step-down and Southeast galleries: "Native American Fine Artists of Utah," and "9th Religious and Spiritual Art in Utah" through December.
The Taos National Exhibition of American Watercolor (Taos, N.M., March 18 to April 16, 1995) - Open to individuals 18 and older using water media and primarily water media with mixed media. $1,000 each for best of show in representational and non-representational idioms. Entry forms/slides due Jan. 15, 1995. Send SASE to Taos Society of Watercolorists, P.O. Box 1872, Taos, NM 87571. For more information, contact Nancy Stewart, (505) 758-4560.
Sculpture competition for the St. George Memorial Plaza is under way. Any artist affiliated with Utah may enter. Theme: strength and determination of early pioneers and the significance of water in the development of St. George. Sketches and proposals due Apr. 1, 1995, no restrictions other than work must be able to withstand St. George elements and be site-specific. (may be multiple figures) Application forms and information, Arts Coordinator, 86 S. Main, St. George, UT 84770. For further information, (801) 634-5850.
Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival invites artists, gallery owners and other art retailers to submit entries for the 1995 Fall Arts Festival poster image. Images for the poster must be representative of the Rocky Mountain West. Those interested should send a slide or transparency to Sara Flitner, J.H. Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box E, Jackson, WY 83001. Deadline for entries is Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1995. (If you wish slide returned, include SASE.)
Western Federation of Watercolor Societies is calling for entries for the 20th Annual Exhibition. For information on entry requirements, fees and awards, contact Utah Watercolor Society, P.O. Box 58100, Salt Lake City, UT 84158. Entry deadline is Jan. 27, 1995.