Funeral services were held Monday, Dec. 19, for Nona Richards Dyer, 73, a former president of the Utah Chapter of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge and an LDS Church worker.
The services for Mrs. Dyer, who died Friday, Dec. 16, 1994, at her Salt Lake home following a lingering illness, were held in the Monument Park LDS Stake Center. Burial was at Larkin Sunset Lawn Cemetery in Salt Lake City.Mrs. Dyer, who was a daughter of the late Elder LeGrand Richards of the Council of the Twelve and Ina Jane Ashton Richards, had been active many years in the Freedoms Foundation. She served on a number of committees with the group and had served as a public relations chairwoman.
"No one was more committed to the principles of freedom and sharing the message of peace and love than was Nona Dyer. She will be greatly missed across the nation. She was very well known throughout the Freedom's Foundation," said Alma Welch, former chapter president and now regional adviser of the Pacific and Western states in the foundation.
Mrs. Dyer was a graduate of Brigham Young University, had served a stake mission and had served as a ward and stake president in the Primary, Young Women's and Relief Society organizations. She had also been active in service to the needy, to political candidates and in the Daughters of Utah Pioneers.