Top stories, total points
1. Mideast peace process, 324.
2. War in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 289.
3. South Africa election, Nelson Mandela becomes president, 254.
4. Republicans win control of U.S. Congress, 252.
5. Civil war in Rwanda, 199.
6. Arrest and trial of O.J. Simpson on murder charges, 158.
7. World trade, 147.
8. United Nations, 128.
9. Haitian President Aristide returned to power, 126.
10. Peace process in Northern Ireland, 95.
Newsmaker of the Year (10 points for each nomination, five for ties)
1. Nelson Mandela, 110.
2. O.J. Simpson, 80.
3. Newt Gingrich, 65.
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4. Jimmy Carter, 55.
5. Bill Clinton, 50.
6. Yasser Arafat 30.
7. Prince Charles, F.W. de Klerk, Yitzhak Rabin, Radovan Karadzic, Boutros Boutros-Ghali 10 each.