Warner Bros. Pictures, distributor of "The Lego Movie," released a trailer Thursday for a new film, "Storks."
The movie follows Junior, a delivery stork, and Tulip, the sole human at Stork Mountain, as they deliver an unauthorized baby girl.
In the trailer, a stork speaks to viewers about the company's perfected "human infant production facility." Behind him, Tulip breaks a piece of a machine. When Junior notices the disaster occurring behind him, he deviates from the presentation to focus on the malfunction.
The voices of Kelsey Grammer, Andy Samberg, Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele will be featured in the film.
The trailer has garnered almost 3 million views on YouTube and Facebook.
The movie is expected to hit theaters in September 2016.
Watch the trailer on YouTube here.
The Clean Cut is a daily feature that highlights family friendly videos.
Alex Johnson writes for the Faith and Family sections of DeseretNews.com.
Email: ajohnson@deseretdigital.com
Twitter: @axelrad_