The weekly quiz game show “Jeopardy!” continues to embrace a professors tournament, but the show’s champion is waiting to make an impact soon enough.

Is ‘Jeopardy!’ on a break?

Yes. the show is currently on a break as the professors tournament continues this week. But the show will return on Dec. 20, and will feature Amy Schneider back in the role as the champion.

Who is the current ‘Jeopardy!’ champion?

Schneider is the current “Jeopardy!” champion. She is the fifth all-time champ with 13 games won so far, according to Uproxx. She recently secured $536,400 and will likely appear in the Tournament of Champions down the road.

Schneider has revealed the secret behind her recent success on the game show, saying it comes down to playing another type of game.

  • In a recent tweet, Schneider said her success on “Jeopardy!” came down to her ability to understand words.
  • “I think a lot of it comes from doing crosswords for years, it’s given me practice at thinking of words as both a concept and a collection of letters at the same time,” she wrote.

The controversy around ‘Jeopardy!’ champion

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Per Uproxx, Schneider has spent the last few days tweeting out opinions about the Republican Party and showing off her tattoo, which she has had to keep covered up on the show.

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