A recent study from The Wall Street Journal and the National Bureau of Economic Research ranked Utah as having the best overall COVID-19 outcomes in the country when looking at mortality, economy and schooling. The response efforts coordinated throughout the state are what led to Utahns faring better in comparison to so many others throughout the country.
Testing programs like TestUtah showcased how early detection goes far in terms of slowing the COVID-19 virus before it has the chance to disable entire communities, whether rural or urban. Since the virus shows no signs of actually going away anytime soon, it is imperative that these testing and aid programs continue to receive funding so that those who need to access them are actually able to do so.
As someone who has used TestUtah’s COVID-19 testing sites in the past for accessible and reliable COVID-19 testing, I can attest to the importance of Utah continuing this program. This is especially true as Utahns and others around the country congregate and reunite with old friends and family over the summer, which will likely increase COVID-19 cases.
Amy Newson