Anderson, Ind., City Judge Donald R. Philippe is running for re-election - against Donald R. Phillippe and Don R. Phillippe.
It's no mere coincidence.The judge's opponents filed petitions seeking to change their names before they entered the race against him in the May Democratic primary.
Craig B. Campbell, the judge's campaign chairman, called it a case of "politics at its dirtiest" and said he will challenge the other Phillippes' eligibility. He blamed the stunt on an anti-Philippe faction in the party.
Party Chairman Tom Ashley opposes the judge's bid for a sixth consecutive term but said he had nothing to do with the name game.
In January, Brian Keith Gordon, 19, and Donald Wayne Ellis Jr., 21, filed to change their names to Donald Ray Phillippe and "Donald Roy Phillippe." The judge's middle name is Ray. A judge has taken no action on the request.
Also running for the Democratic nomination is lawyer Al Woolbert. Another lawyer, Stephen D. Clase, is unopposed for the Republican nomination.