Sick of seeing your kids cheering over the bloodied and beaten bodies of their animated Nintendo opponents but afraid they'll be bored to death with computer software designed to help them learn?With the rapidly expanding pool of educational software products, parents have a wider variety of formats from which they can choose. There are packages to help kids learn color and shape identification, math, spelling, reading, typing and problem-solving. There are also products to encourage creativity in art and music.
In short, computers can become entertaining teaching tools, as well as valuable tutors for kids of all ages.
But how should parents choose which products to buy? Wending your way through the thousands of available titles can be a daunting task for many holiday gift-givers. To help, we've compiled a list of titles, recommended by local school districts as well as national experts, of this year's best educational software.
Rick Gaisford, instructional technology specialist for the Granite School District, said parents should follow four basic guidelines when choosing educational software:
Look for software that is easy to use and install. If parents are unable to load the software or are uncomfortable helping their children use it, the chances are greater that the program will not be used in the home.
Make sure the software is engaging to kids. "Kids like to be entertained," Gaisford said. "We've found that they tend to like fast-paced software that rewards kids for using it."
"Eighty percent of the software in stores are games," said Jordan School District Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum Sherry Wasden. "That's what they get excited about."
But, Wasden said, parents need to be cautious about letting their home computers turn into substitute Nintendos.
"Too many parents let their computers be a game instead of a tool to be used for learning," she said.
Instead, Jordan School District instructional support technician Julie Newin said new educational products allow parents to combine the game format of many educational programs to enhance learning.
Choose products that allow users to adjust the level of difficulty. One of the drawbacks of early educational software products is that they didn't give kids the variety they needed to stay interested, Gaisford said. Once they mastered a certain "level," the program didn't allow them to progress or adjust the program's difficulty.
Editors at, an Internet-based software seller, agree. In their listing of the year's best products, they emphasize:
"The best software adapts to the children's learning: moving them forward when they succeed and back for reinforcement when they are struggling. To find this, look for the words 'adaptive learning' on the software box or in a review."
Look for open-ended products that allow the user to exercise creativity. Products which encourage painting or drawing have become extremely sophisticated and easier to use, Gaisford said.
Most importantly, district officials agree it is critical that parents choose software that addresses their children's needs. Students can typically use help in math and science, Newin said. Some need extra work in spelling or keyboarding. Whatever the child's individual needs are, it is likely there are products that can help. But with or without a computer, teachers and administrators emphasize the importance of parental involvement in their child's learning.
The following list is a hybrid of recommendations from local school districts, based on the products they use in their schools; the latest recommendations from Newsweek and Technology and Learning magazines; and various other retail and industry recommendations. For information about these and other products, we've also included Web site addresses which list additional product, purchasing, and contact information.
"Elmo's Reading: Preschool & Kindergarten"
"Elmo's Preschool: The Anniversary Edition"
Publisher: The Learning Company
Phone: 1-617-761-3000
Web site:
Price: $34.95
Platforms: Windows, Mac
Ages: 3-6
These entertaining skill-builders combine the lovable Sesame Streetcharacters with exercises designed to help pre-schoolers master the basics of reading. "Elmo's Reading: Preschool and Kindergarten,"new this year, is a two-disc set. The first, Reading Basics, places kids (with Elmo) in a library, where they can choose from six different reading activities, each hosted by Sesame Street muppets. By clicking on the "Zoetry Poetry" book on the shelf, kids are introduced to Beatnik Zoe. Zoe invites kids to her poetry reading, where kids are encouraged to choose the object that completes the rhyme she recites. If the child completes three rhymes correctly, the activity automatically increases the level of difficulty; if the child struggles, the program will decrease the level of difficulty to reduce frustration.
The second disc is an activity-based reading adventure which also explores other issues like diversity and self-esteem. Kids can listen to narrated stories, or participate in games and activities designed to test their reading skills and imagination.
"Jump Start Preschool and Kindergarten"
Publisher: Cendant Software/Knowledge Adventure
Phone: 1-800-542-4240
Web site:
Price: $29.95
Platforms: Windows, PowerMac
Ages: 2-6
By far one of the most highly recommended series available, both by retailers and educators, the JumpStart Learning System has quality products available for grade levels preschool-sixth grade. It is the No. 1 selling preschool software program of all time, according to a recent PC Data Interactivesurvey (January 1996 to March 1998).
In the packages for preschoolers and kindergartners, kids 2-6 are transported to a colorful classroom with pals Pierre Bear, Casey Cat and Eleanor Elephant. There, simply by clicking on an object in the room, kids are guided through 10 skill-building activities in subjects such as colors, shapes, numbers, letters, matching and listening skills and quantities. Two new features -- Kid's Assessment Technology and the Parent's Resource Center -- allow parents and kids to track their progress through the whole series.
"Let's Go Read! 1 An Island Adventure"
"Let's Go Read! 2 An Ocean Adventure"
Publisher: Edmark
Phone: 1-800-691-2986
Web site:
Price: $39.95 - $54.95
Platforms: Windows, Mac
Ages: 4-6 for part one, 5-7 for part two
These unique and comprehensive reading products combine the phonics and whole language approaches to enhance a child's reading skills. With read-along books, record/playback speech recognition technologies which allow kids even greater interaction with the program, and varied and entertaining activities, these packages promise to make learning to read enjoyable.
With guides Robby the Raccoon and Emily the Squirrel, kids visit brilliantly animated oceanic sites, jungles, and villages where they practice letter recognition and sounds, and begin building on words and sentences. "Let's Go Read! 2 An Ocean Adventure"builds upon the skills learned in "An Island Adventure."
Also recommended: "Millie's Math House" and "Sammy's Science House" from Edmark; "Blue's ABC Time Activities from Humongous Entertainment," 1-800-499-8386.
Young Kids
"Spelling Blaster"
"Writing Blaster"
Publishers: Cendant Software/Knowledge Adventure
Phone: 1-800-545-7677
Web site:
Price: $29.99 - $57
Platforms: Windows, Mac
Ages: 6-9
This is one of the oldest and most well-respected series available today. Regularly updated since its genesis in 1983, the Blaster series is the standard in many schools. It also includes packages for older kids.
"Thinkin' Things Gold"
"Thinkin' Things 1, 2, and 3"
Publisher: Edmark
Phone: 1-800-691-2985
Web site:
Ages: 4-13
The "Thinkin' Things Gold"package, new this year, combines many of the best activities included in the award-winning "Thinkin' Things"series. It includes three CD's, for varying age groups, which challenge the user to develop critical thinking skills in a variety of different subjects. Younger kids will enjoy testing their music memory with Oranga Banga, a lovable orangutan who challenges kids to repeat the beats he plays on his drumset. Older kids will face more sophisticated programs -- introducing them to basic computer programming, one that allows them to design their own physics games, and others.
Also recommended: The Reader Rabbit series from the Learning Company.
Older kids
"Thinkin' Things Sky Island Mysteries"
"Thinkin' Science ZAP!"
Publisher: Edmark
Phone: 1-800-691-2985
Web site:
Price $29.95
Platforms: Windows, Mac
Ages: 8-12
"Sky Island Mysteries,"part of the Thinkin' Things one-two punch for older kids, encourages kids to develop their deductive reasoning, decision making and multi-tasking skills through its lavish animation and engaging activities. At Clue Central, kids solve mysteries by gathering visual, written and audio clues, practicing search techniques and problem-solving skills.
"Thinkin' Science ZAP!"presents fairly complex scientific principals in an understandable and entertaining way. ZAP!opens at the Wonder Dome theater, where a lightning strike has made lighting, sound and electrical systems inoperable. By answering a series of questions, kids collect needed components and equipment to repair the problem. This program encourages thought and questions, and features self-adjusting levels for frustration-free learning.
"Math Blaster"
"Reading Blaster"
Publishers: Cendant Software/ Knowledge Adventure
Phone: 1-800-691-2985
Web site:
Price: $40 to $57
Platforms: Windows, Mac
Ages: 9-12
The Blasterseries is just as effective for older kids as it is for the younger ones. "Reading Blaster,"the newest title in the Blaster Learning System helps students develop their vocabulary and prepare for the SAT's through a number of engaging activities. Kids join ace detective Rave in solving a series of mysteries at a mansion in Bizzaroville. Students get clues to solving the mystery by mastering word puzzles which test their understanding of prefixes, spelling, reading comprehension and critical thinking.
Just in time for the holidays, Knowledge Adventure has released a special 15th Anniversary Special Limited Edition of Math Blaster. The collector's item includes award-winning "Math Blaster"software, a bonus CD-ROM, and a Blaster calculator. The program features adjustable skill and content levels to accommodate most students.
Also recommended: The Carmen Sandiego series from Broderbund, including: "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego," "Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego," "Carmen Sandiego Math Detective" and "The Carmen Sandiego Junior Detective Edition." All are captivating programs helping kids with geography, history and math.
"Crayola Make a Masterpiece"
Publisher: IBM/Crayola
Phone: 1-800-426-4968
Web site:
Price: $19.95
Platforms: Windows, Mac
Ages: 5-10
"Make a Masterpiece" allows children to create their own pictures, learn about famous artists, art styles and techniques. Led by Scribble, their animated guide, children encounter various settings (such as rain forests and deserts) which can serve as jump-off points for their own creativity.
This program also utilizes a "Magic Effects Tool" that lets kids transform their own drawings into established art styles, including pointillism, fresco, and mosaic. Additionally, they can import, manipulate and enhance photos with the art tools.
"Kid Pix Studio Deluxe"
Publisher: Broderbund
Phone: 1-800-474-8840
Web site:
Price: $29.99
Platforms: Windows, Mac
This might be the most comprehensive art software available for kids. Long a staple in children's creative computing, the newly released deluxe edition enables kids the option to create larger projects such as slide shows, with recorded sound, text-to-speech capabilities which allow kids to draw pictures that speak English or Spanish, and the ability to import snapshots and graphics in a variety of formats.
"Microsoft Encarta 99"
Publisher: Microsoft
Phone: 1-800-426-9400
Price: $39.95
Platforms: Windows 95 or higher
"1999 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia Deluxe II-CD Edition"
Publisher: Grolier Interactive
Phone: 1-203-797-3530
Price: $59.99
Platforms: Windows, Mac
For additional coverage of hot-selling toys, high-tech product reviews and other features, please follow this link, originally published Saturday.