Directions: Take U-191 from Vernal north about 20 miles, turn east on dirt road for eight miles, then turn north four more miles to reservoir. Or take Jones Hole Road east from Vernal for 25 miles to Jackson Creek/Matt Warner road, then north on dirt road for nine miles.
Description: The reservoir, which is about 350 surface acres, is located on a sagebrush flat surrounded by mountains. A very scenic area. Elevation is about 7,500 feet.Details: A shallow reservoir with large areas of weedy shallows that make it a rich fishery. Fly fishing good in shallows with floating lines or a fly-and-bubble rig. Use sinking lines from float tubes or boats. Best areas for bait are by dam or on the east side near dam. A boat ramp is available. Limited camping around reservoir.
Fish: Rainbow
What Works: Use damsel fly, scud or leech patterns such as Wooly Worms in olives or brown. Trollers use flies, pop gear and worm or spinners such as Panther Martin or Mepps in gold. Lures such as Maisie, Jake's or Krockodile work well from shore in deeper areas. Traditional baits such as Power Bait, nightcrawler or salmon eggs work well in deeper areas.
Notes: Usually fast fishing for medium-size fish. Best for day trips because of limited camping. Best camping at nearby Flaming Gorge Reservoir. It is also close to Cause and Calder reservoirs. Recent improvements by the DWR has made these three some of Utah's best fisheries.