The Academy Awards is supposed to be a night to see the stars! We see the glamour, the fashion, the emotions and try to catch a little glimpse of the Hollywood lifestyle. I admit that I am one who loves to watch and see who will win; however, I was not impressed with the Academy Awards program this year. The reason for this is probably obvious to most people who watched -- Whoopi Goldberg.
Unfortunately, most of her comments and jokes contained sexual innuendo and profanity, and she didn't fail to mention the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal -- haven't we heard enough already? I was hoping that I would be able to turn on the television and watch a program that didn't refer to sex every five minutes.Has the world gotten so bad that we need to stoop to the level of talking about sexual situations to get a good laugh? Has it come to the point where even award shows need to have a PG13 or M rating?
I was disappointed in the quality of the humor. I would have much rather watched the talented Billy Crystal do a song and dance. I guess we have been spoiled by a good comedian who can actually make us laugh. So much for ending the last Academy Award show of the century with a bang. Personally, I think it was a flop!
Gentry Gygi
Salt Lake City