The Faith Centered Music Association (FCMA) has announced finalists in the 2004 Pearl Awards competition, which honors the past year's finest faith-centered music and artists.
The awards will be presented June 18 in Cottonwood High School auditorium and will be broadcast on KTVX-Ch. 4 on Sunday, July 11, at 6 p.m.
Sacred Recording: "Be Still My Soul," Eclipse; "Goin' Home," BYU Men's Chorus; "Here Am I, Send Me," Steven Kapp Perry
Inspirational Recording: "Clay In His Hands," Jessie Clark; "Gethsamane," Kenneth Cope; "Holding Hands Around the World," Janice Kapp Perry
Contemporary Recording: "Go Bring Them In," Friends of Martin's Cove' "Like Unto Us," Brett Raymond; "We Believe," Kenneth Cope
Sacred/Classical Instrumental Recording: "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing," Jenny Oaks Baker; "Our Savior's Love," Kay Hicks Ward and Meredith Campbell; "The Spirit of God," Merrill Jenson
Inspirational/Contemporary Instrumental Recording: "Ein Feste Burg," Enoch Train; "The Army of Helaman,: Janice Kapp Perry; "The Handcart Song," Michael Dowdle
Holiday Recording: "All The Christmas They Need," Sam Payne; "O Come, O Come Emmanuel," Amy Osmond and Cate Todd; "This Year," Eclipse
Sacred Album: "Consider the Lilies," Mormon Tabernacle Choir & Orchestra at Temple Square; "The Road Home," Choirs of BYU; "Then Sings My Soul," George Dyer
Inspirational Album: "Clay In His Hands," Jessie Clark; "Sometimes He Lets It Rain," Katherine Nelson; "Window to His Love," Julie de Azevedo
Contemporary Album: "Hey, Hey, Hey," Ryan Shupe & the Rubberband; "Railroad Blessing," Sam Payne; "Unspoken," Greg Simpson
Sacred/Classical Instrumental Album: "High on the Mountain Top," Merrill Jenson; "My Redeemer Lives: Calvary," Todd McCabe and April Moriarty; "The Light Divine," Jenny Oaks Baker
Inspirational/Contemporary Album: "Janice Kapp Perry's Celtic Variations," Janice Kapp Perry; "Love Songs of 20th Century Vol. 2," Marvin Goldstein; "Shall We Gather," Enoch Train
Themed or Concept Album: "Bring Them In: Celebrating the Spirit of Trek," Friends of Martin's Cove; "Family: A Joyful Proclamation," Steven Kapp Perry and Marvin Payne; "Spirit of America," Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Presentation or Soundtrack Album: "By the Hand of Mormon: Selections from the Original Music Production," Sam Cardon and David Pliler; "Parables," Jenny Phillips; "Pride & Prejudice Soundtrack," Ben Carson
Holiday Album: "Angel in the Snow," Sam Payne; "Nativity: A Celebration of the Savior's Birth, Amy Osmond and Cate Todd; "Three Kings," Eclipse
Compilation Album: "Deseret Book's the Best of EFY," Deseret Book; "The Best of TSSA," Timpanogos Singer/Songwriter Alliance; "True to the Faith: Songs of Courage, Inspiration & Faith," IMS/Sounds of Zion
Male Recording Artist: George Dyer, Sam Payne, Greg Simpson
Female Recording Artist: Jessie Clark, Katherine Nelson, Jenny Phillips
Instrumental Recording Artist: Jenny Oaks Baker, Paul Cardall, Merrill Jenson
Group Recording Artist: Enoch Train (Clive Romney, Daron Bradford, Dave Compton, Janice Anderson, Jay Lawrence, Rich Dixon, Rob Honey, Tom Hewitson); Mormon Tabernacle Choir; Ryan Shupe & the Rubberband (Roger Archibald, Colin Botts, Bart Olson, Craig Miner)
New Recording Artist: Jessie Clark, Katherine Nelson, Sam Payne
Producer: Tyler Castleton, Greg Hansen, Clive Romney
Songwriter: Sam Payne, Ryan Shupe, Greg Simpson
Performing Artist: Jessie Clark, Eclipse (Kirk Mecham, Shayne Taylor, Dan Kartchner, Patrick Rose, Brandon Ellison, Kevin Jones, Paul Hansen), Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Arranger: Tyler Castleton, Greg Hansen, Merrill Jenson
Studio Musician: Daron Bradford, Meredith Campbell, Steven Nelson
Studio Vocalist: Robert Breault, Barry Hansen, April Meservy
Studio Engineer: Mike Greene, Steve LeRud, Guy Randle
Best Album Design: "Bring Them In: Celebrating the Spirit of Trek" (Barry Hansen); "Think Twice," Scott Eggers; "Janice Kapp Perry's Celtic Variations" (John Perry)
Radio Show: Steve Kapp Perry (KOSY 106.5), Joan Peterson (KOSY 106.5), Dain Craig and Peggy Ijams (FM-100)
Record Label: IMS/Sounds of Zion, Lumen Records, Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Retail Manager: Kay Curtiss, Kensington, Md.; Arnett Dahl, Roy; Val Day, Murray