President Obama’s public perception has undergone its share of ebbs and flows. From the clarion call of hope to the accusations of dictatorial leadership, opinions about the president have landed everywhere on the spectrum.
Recently, the Pew Research Center of U.S. Politics and Policy released a study where they asked people to describe the president using a single word. The most popular responses starkly contrasted one another. Out of the 746 respondents 35 described the president as “good,” while 33 described him as “incompetent.” Other responses included words such as “poor,” “hardworking,” “failure,” “intelligent” and “OK.”
It seems that the dichotomy of opinion may be closely linked to political affiliation. In a poll conducted by Fox News, it was reported that 77 percent of Democrats approve of “the job Barack Obama is doing as president.” Conversely, 85 percent of Republicans disapprove of the president’s performance.
Travis Miller is an assistant Web producer for the Moneywise and Opinion sections of
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