Brigham Young University announced its annual awards on Monday during the 2021 University Conference in the Marriott Center on the BYU campus in Provo, Utah.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and BYU’s Board of Trustees spoke during the conference and referred to the award winners.
“I pray for the destiny and course of all who serve here,” he said. “If you can’t tell, I’m really, really moved to see you, these people who’ve been awarded various awards, who represent so many others. They really represent all of us but take their turn in receiving an award for making the university work, everything from the Maeser Faculty Lecturer to the chief carpenter and lots of people in between and along the way.”
The 2021 award recipients are:
Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer Award. This award, BYU’s most prestigious faculty award, is provided through the generosity of the Karl G. Maeser Scholarship Society. The recipient must have demonstrated clear superiority in both scholarship and teaching.
- Paul Savage, professor of chemistry and biochemistry.
Ben E. Lewis Management Award. This award recognizes an administrative employee for outstanding management abilities.
- Jonathon Wood, associate director of the global business center, Marriott School of Business.
Fred A. Schwendiman Award. This award recognizes a staff employee for exemplary contributions to the university through consistent and superior service.
- William McCausland, carpenter shop.
President’s Appreciation Award. This award recognizes staff and administrative personnel for exceptional service, creativity and competence.
- Jan Christensen, School of Family Life.
- Heather M. Hammond, English.
- Denise R. Haney, compensation.
- Anna K. Kennington, chemistry and biochemistry.
- Heather Krieger, teacher education.
- Cory W. Leonard, David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies.
- Karl A. Roylance, materials and supplies.
- Kirsten R. Thompson, Center for Teaching and Learning.
Karl G. Maeser Excellence in Teaching Awards. This award honors faculty members for outstanding teaching accomplishments and is made possible by the generosity of the Karl G. Maeser Scholarship Society.
- Eric H. Christiansen, geological sciences.
- W. Spencer Guthrie, civil and environmental engineering.
- Kory L. Katseanes, School of Music.
Karl G. Maeser Research and Creative Arts Awards. This award honors faculty members for outstanding research and creative accomplishments and is made possible by the generosity of the Karl G. Maeser Scholarship Society.
- Gregory P. Nordin, electrical and computer engineering.
- Brian R. Roberts, English.
- Richard A. Robison, microbiology and molecular biology.
Karl G. Maeser Professional Faculty Excellence Awards. This award recognizes outstanding achievement in fulfilling professional faculty responsibilities and is made possible by the generosity of the Karl G. Maeser Scholarship Society.
- Melissa P. Larson, School of Accountancy.
- Brenden W. Rensink, history.
- Jeffrey A. Sheets, School of Communications.
University Professorship Award. This award encourages and acknowledges senior faculty members who are outstanding scholars, teachers and university citizens. It may specifically recognize excellence in scholarship and creative work or reward superior classroom teaching.
- William F. Christensen, statistics.
Alumni Professorship Award. This award honors faculty members for teaching excellence. The award carries a three-year stipend made possible by the generosity of the BYU Alumni Association.
- Len B. Novilla, public health.
General Education Professorship Award. This award encourages and acknowledges outstanding contributions to undergraduate general education and honors courses by faculty members who have pursued their scholarly interests and provided services to the university community.
- Richard K. Watt, chemistry and biochemistry.
Abraham O. Smoot Citizenship Award. This award is presented to university faculty members who have demonstrated sustained service and personal sacrifice to the BYU community.
- Craig H. Hart, Faculty Center.
Wesley P. Lloyd Award for Distinction in Graduate Education. This award pays tribute to faculty members of exemplary performance in teaching, research/creative work and citizenship in graduate education.
- Wendy Baker-Smemoe, linguistics.
Phi Kappa Phi Award. This award is presented to faculty members who have achieved excellence in scholarly and creative endeavors, exemplify integrity, and have contributed to BYU through citizenship and service.
- Stephanie F. Breinholt, theatre and media arts.
Adjunct Faculty Excellence Awards. This award recognizes the contributions of part-time faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in teaching or in other professional responsibilities over a period of at least five years.
- Jenny B. Brooks, psychology.
- Julie A. Duncan, nutrition, dietetics and food science.
- Kathryn L. Isaak, comparative arts and letters.
- Teresa D. Love, theatre and media arts.
BYU Class of 1949 Young Faculty Award. This award acknowledges outstanding contributions by junior faculty members. It is made possible by the generosity of the Class of 1949.
- Jason S. Bergman, School of Music.
Sponsored Research Recognition Award. This award recognizes faculty members who demonstrate outstanding achievement in scholarly activities funded by external sponsors or who give significant service in support of sponsored research and creative programs.
- Byron J. Adams, biology.
Early Career Scholarship Awards. This award encourages and acknowledges outstanding promise and contributions by junior faculty in scholarship.
- Wendy C. Birmingham, psychology.
- Jeffrey L. Jenkins, information systems.
- S. Andrew Ning, mechanical engineering.
- Darrin A. Ragozzine, physics and astronomy.
Technology Transfer Award. This award recognizes faculty members who have made significant research contributions that have led to the development of useful commercial products.
- Michael D. Jones, computer science.
Creative Works Award. This award recognizes faculty members and university personnel who demonstrate outstanding achievement in the development of creative works that have had wide acceptance and national or international distribution.
- Devin N. Asay, digital humanities.
Early Career Teaching Award. This award encourages and acknowledges outstanding promise and contributions in teaching by faculty at an early stage in their careers.
- Kathryn L. Cabbage, communication disorders.
- Seth R. Holladay, computer science.
- Rebekka Matheson, psychology.
- Elliott D. Wise, comparative arts and letters.
Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellowships. This fellowship recognizes the sacrifice and efforts by the university’s support services in providing a transfer of positions and budget to enhance teaching and learning.
- Lawrence K. Egbert Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellowship: Darrin M. Doud, mathematics.
- Dean Fairbanks Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellowship: Aaron M. Miller, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics.
- C. Joseph Rowberry Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellowship: Ulrike H. Mitchell, exercise sciences.
- Douglas K. Christensen Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellowship: Cherice M. Montgomery, Spanish and Portuguese.
- Edwin Cozzens Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellowship: Daniel E. Smalley, electrical and computer engineering.
- Steven M. Rose Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellowship: Ellie L. Young, counseling psychology and special education.